
⚡️• files | Batteries included, dotfile configurations


⚡️.dotfiles | batteries included dotfile configurations

This repository contains my public dotfiles. It comes with a single installer that will take care of installing, updating and backing up your existing configurations while using stow.


recommended software

These dotfiles configure a few programs. Most of them are for convenience, and apart from the required programs which the installer will complain about, are completely optional.

  • yabai - a tiling window manager (macOS only)
  • skhd - a hotkey daemon (macOS only)
  • eza - a modern replacement for ls
  • bat - a cat clone
  • neovim - a vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability


You probably want to fork this repo unless you are happy with exactly what I have here. Regardless, clone the repo somewhere. This will become the source of your dotfiles too.

The recommended font (with all of the icons etc.) is Meslo Nerd Font, and is documented here.

With the font installed and configured to be used in your terminal, clone the repo:

git clone
cd dotfiles

Once cloned, run the setup install script.

      _       _    __ _ _
     | |     | |  / _(_) |
   __| | ___ | |_| |_ _| | ___  ___
  / _` |/ _ \| __|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|
 | (_| | (_) | |_| | | | |  __/\__ \
  \__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/
    by @leonjza

checking prerequisites...

git (required) is available
stow (required) is available
curl (required) is available
zsh (optional) is available
nvim (optional) is available

Usage: ./install <subcommand>
  install     install software specific configuration
  usage       echo this usage information
  stow        stow configurations (aka, update symlinks)
  unstow      remove symlinks (removing configs)

If there are any errors, i.e., a required command is missing then you'd need to install those first.


If you want to override anything, or, include something that should not live in a git repo, then add your own .zsh files to ~/.zshrc-local.d. Files ending with the .zsh extention in this path will be sourced when the shell starts.


If for any reason you just cant get to like these configurations, removing them should be as easy as:

./install unstow

Configuration backups would have been made to the ~/.config/dotfile-backups/ directory.


If there are new changes that you want to pull, simply git pull this repo.

cd /path/to/dotfiles
git pull

As everything is a symlink to the repo you'd typically just need to reload your shell (i.e., open a new tab).


During operation, the installer tries to create backups where it deems it to be the right thing to do. Backups are located at ~/.config/dotfile-backups/.

whats included

Configurations for zsh, neovim and tmux! These dotfiles contain a number of maybe surprising things! Lets take a quick look.


Command Type Source Description
chain alias view Convenience alias to proxychains
please alias view Run the last command again as root
nah alias view Convenience alias to undo all of your changes in the current git branch
ports alias view Convenience alias to view open ports on macOS
locate alias view Convenience alias to make mdfind behave like locate on macOS
get, post, put, delete alias view Convenience alias for httpie $method
httpserver alias view Convenience alias to start an HTTP server on an available open port
killjobs alias view Convenience alias to kill all jobs in the current session
extract zsh plugin view Very convenient alias plugin that lets you extract almost any archive with extract something.tar.gz
urlencode, urldecode alias view Encode/Decode strings using url encoding
filetypes zsh function view List files in a directory as well as their types according to file
json zsh function view Output a file in pretty formatted json
updatesoftware zsh function view Update software in major package managers and OS
gpgencrypt / gpgdecrypt zsh function view Encrypt / Decrypt files using GPG

Apart from the commands, there are also things like:

  • A clean shell prompt. Shows current path and git branch of applicable.
  • git command auto completion as well as visual indicators of your current working branch and if your local branch has uncommitted changes.