
Create, map, and analyze a trail-based route in Boulder, CO using high-quality, publicly-available data from the City of Boulder and the National Elevation Dataset



Create, map, and analyze a trail-based route in Boulder, CO using high-quality, publicly-available data from the City of Boulder and the National Elevation Dataset

Build a route on a map of Boulder area trails by clicking on trail segments. Click Build Route to create an elevation profile and statistics about the route.

Flask backend. React frontend.

To run locally:

Use two terminal windows.

First window:

cd backend
python3 -m venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
source env/bin/activate

Second window:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

Lower-priority issues




  • Stats tab: show elevation loss too.
    (Not as much of an issue on round-trips)
  • Find some way to use the same trail segment twice! ie an out-and-back or lollipop
    • This might be a big overhaul, because I currently am just keeping track of
      selected segments. This approach might require me to adopt the "mapmyrun"
      approach. Hmm.
    • Maybe the profile could get built in real-time as they click
      segments, so that it doesn't have to infer everything at the end, making
      smarter inferences possible.
    • Or we could have the segments populate a
      list in order. Some way to just get an ordered list of trail segments,
      with the only remaining inference being the direction of each trailseg.
      That would also allow me to perform some kind of validation before each click.
      Like "hey, that segment is nowhere near the first one you clicked! NO!"
  • [Huge, Potential] Add ability to save routes with names.

Data Processing

  • See if it's possible/easy to add a histogram of grades like
    in the (currently evolving) horsetooth-analysis


  • Selected segment list: brainstorm a better way to display other than
    a scrolly plain-text div.
  • Elev profile: show elevation axis ticks on left side
  • Replace react logo with TZ logo.
    • In frontend/public, modify the .pngs, favicon.ico, and manifest.json
    • See distilling-flask repo for media
  • Connect route markers with lines.
    Maybe those lines can be color-coded by grade.
  • Use flyToBounds
    instead of fitBounds wherever it occurs.




  • Make a smarter way to control getData() source between
    local file in dev environment and fetch in production.
    • (later) employ similar strategy to control the url of the
      backend server. This will involve a whole thing with deployment.




Data Processing





  • CircleMarkers have duplicate keys if they have the same lat.
    • Tests:
      • Build a route of Mount Sanitas Trail (had duplicate lat vals)
        -> no warning in console.
  • Elevation profile doesn't re-draw when I already have drawn one.
    The stats tab actually DOES refresh though.


  • "Clear selected segments" button
    • Tests:
      • Add a bunch of segs, click clear -> segment list empty, map style reset.
      • Add a bunch of segs, navigate away, navigate back -> selected seg list
        and selected segments on map preserved.
      • Add a bunch of segs, click clear, navigate away, navigate back ->
        selected seg list empty, no segments selected on map.
  • Hover on map <-> hover on graph
    • Make the leaflet map have hover behavior in the first place
      • Tests:
        • hover over vertex -> tooltip appears at vertex
        • FAILING: (extra) hover over polyline line
          -> tooltip appears at nearest vertex
          • Look into this.mapRef.current.distance(latlng1, latlng2)
    • Hover on leaflet map -> hover on plotly graph
      • Tests:
        • hover over map point that contains a data point from xy graph
          -> that data point is highlighted on the xy graph
        • unhover that map point -> that xy data point is unhovered
        • unhover that map point and hover another point
          -> the first xy data point is unhovered, and the next xy point is hovered
        • FAILING: (extra) hover on all points that share an x-value with the
          elevation trace.
          • Bug: Only elevation trace is hovered, due to circular events (I think?)
          • Solution: instead of hovering by {curveNumber, pointNumber} to target
            the elevation trace, get the x-value of that point and manually hover
            at that location. I forget exactly how, but we'll find out in Fx.hover.
    • Hover on plotly graph -> hover on leaflet map

Data Processing


  • Make route-building tooltips on geojson sticky


  • Split tab content into separate components in their own files, imported by App.js
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