
Mattermost Bot to interact with Kubernetes

MIT License



What is it ?

k8s-mattermost is a bot that connects to a Mattermost channel's websocket and watches for kubectl commands.

By default, you can trigger the bot with !k <namespace> <verb> <ressource> :

!k - get cs  # You can use "-" if ressource doesn't get namespace

!k kube-system get deploy

!k all get pod # You can use "all" to show all namespaces

The configuration is located in the config.toml.dist file (you should rename it to config.toml) :

bot_name = "k8s-bot"
kubectl_path = "/usr/local/bin/kubectl"

host = "your-mattermost.org"
channel_name = "kubernetes"
team_name = "your-team"
user_login = "[email protected]"
user_password = "averystr0ngpassw0rd"

You can load a different config file using the -c flag.

How can you run it ?

You can fetch the latest build for Linux with :

wget https://github.com/valentin2105/k8s-mattermost/releases/download/v0.1.1/k8s-mattermost
chmod +x k8s-mattermost 
./k8s-mattermost -c config.toml

Or run it using Docker :

docker run \
-e K8S_API="https://k8s-api.url:6443" \
-e K8S_TOKEN="yourClusterToken" \
-e TEAM="your-team" \
-e LOGIN="[email protected]" \
-e PASSWORD="averystr0ngpassw0rd" \
-e SERVER="your-mattermost.org" \
-e CHANNEL="your-channel" \

Or build it from source :

# install dep
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golang/dep/master/install.sh | sh

# clone repo
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/valentin2105/ && cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/valentin2105/
git clone https://github.com/valentin2105/k8s-mattermost.git && cd k8s-mattermost 

# fetch dependencies
dep ensure

# build app
go build
