
State Machine for managing different States that an entity can be in.

MIT License


Finite State Machine

Creating State Machine

To create the State Machine, simply create a new State Machine Node.

[!NOTE] To make a starting State for the State Machine, select the State Machine and change the Initial State property.

Creating a State

To create a new State, create a script similiar to this...

extends State
class_name STATE_NAME # Your state's name

# Runs when the state is entered
func enter():

# Runs when the state is exited
func exit():

# Updates every _process() update (When state is active)
func update():

# Updates every _physics_process() update (When state is active)
func physics_update():

[!WARNING] If you do not specify a class name for your state, you will be unable to create a node of the State.

To add the State to the State Machine, create a new Node of the State you just made, and add it as a child of the State Machine.

Transitioning to other States

To transition to other States on the State Machine, make sure there are more than one State as a child of the State Machine.

To transition to another State, you can use the Transitioned signal (signal inside State script)...

Transitioned.emit(self, "EnemyIdle")

Checking if State is Active

If you need to check if a state is active while inside of the state, for example, inside the EnemyIdle state you are checking the _on_area_entered(): (you might already be getting an 'Cannot change state from a non-active state') you can use the active boolean included inside the State class to check if the state is currently active.

# Instead of doing this...
func area_entered(area):
    # Code here

# Do this...
func area_entered(area):
    if active:
        # Code here

[!NOTE] This applies to any functions that could run at anytime (such as area_entered, area_exited, etc).


If you have any issues, create an Issue or message me on Discord at itsmealec.

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