
A CLI tool for CA

MIT License



A CLI tool for CA

Table of Contents


npm install --global caca

Available commands

ca --help

Ouputs description for each command

Usage example

$ ca --help

  Usage: ca [options] [command]


    task        do something with tasks
    settings    Sets the CA API key and current project
    open        Opens the specified defect or story
    help [cmd]  display help for [cmd]


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

ca task --help

Ouputs description for each task-related command

Usage example

$ ca task --help

  Usage: ca-task [options] [command]


    list|ls Prints the list of tasks of the story/defect
    new     Adds a new task to a story/defect
    update  Updates status and actuals of the task


    -h, --help  output usage information

ca settings

Sets the API key that will be used to communicate with Rally. Other commands won't work without an API key. Sets the current project that is used in some other commands (e.g. ca iteration)

Usage example

$ ca api _023djief03fh34ASjfwe0f2jASojsasf0

ca open

Opens the Rally story/defect in the browser based on git branch name or user input.

Usage example

$ ca open --help

  Usage: open [options]

  Opens the specified defect or story


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -i, --interactive  Enables UI to enter custom item ID

ca grab

Puts the backlog item into the current iteration

Usage example

$ ca grab --help

  Usage: grab [options]

  Puts the story into the current iteration


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -i, --interactive  Enables UI to enter custom item ID

ca skype

Prepares skype message for you

Usage example

$ ca skype --help

  Usage: skype [options]

  Prepares skype message for you


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -i, --interactive  Enables UI to enter custom item ID


ca task list

Prints out list of tasks added to the Rally story/defect in the CLI

Usage example

$ ca task list --help

  Usage: list|ls [options]

  Prints the list of tasks of the story/defect


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -i, --interactive  Enables UI to enter custom item ID

ca task update

Updates task info

Usage example

$ ca task update --help

  Usage: update [options]

  Updates status and actuals of the task


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -i, --interactive  Enables UI to enter custom item ID

ca task new

Adds a new task to a story/defect and prints the list of tasks after new one was created. Asks for task details (name, state, actuals, owner) in step-by-step process

Usage example

$ ca task new --help

  Usage: new [options]

  Adds a new task to a story/defect


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -i, --interactive  Enables UI to enter custom item ID


MIT © Zoltan Kochan