
[DEPRECATED] A minimal Class/Mixin utility for JavaScript



I no longer use class helpers. I would encourage using ES6 classes if you feel the need to emulate classical OO patterns.


A minimal class/mixin utility for JavaScript (ES5+), focusing on performance, node compatibility, and composition over inheritance.


This tool is best used with NodeJS. You can install it like so:

npm install klasse


Inspired by MooTools and jsOOP, the syntax is simple and readable:

var Class = require('klasse');

var MyClass = new Class({
	//Optional base class to extend from
	Extends: BaseClass,

	//Optional array of mixins
	Mixins: [ myMixins ], 

	function MyClass() {
		this.prop = "foo";


  • Extends: Optional. Specifies the base class for prototype chain.
  • Mixins: Optional. Can be an array of mixins, or just a single mixin. A mixin is an object or Class which defines methods, properties, and so forth to be added directly to a class prototype.
  • initialize: Optional. The constructor method, generally a named function for clearer debugging. If not specified, and a base class is given to Extends, the constructor will default to calling the base class constructor. Otherwise, an empty constructor will be used.

performance & V8 optimizations in mind

Encourages best performance in a number of ways:

  • Lookups in a long prototype chain can be more costly, so composition over inheritance is encouraged with Mixins.
  • No funky magic going on in the constructor (like in MooTools) -- just what you've defined for initialize. This is more ideal for V8 optimizations (hidden classes).
  • Does not clutter objects with caller/super/etc. information. Too many properties in a class will make it less likely to be optimized by V8 and other engines.1

constructor best practices

  • Use a named constructor function so it appears correctly in the debugger, and in stack traces. This is optional, but leads to clearer debugging.
  • Declare all instance variables for the class up-front in the constructor. This is done for two reasons:
    1. It's ideal for hidden classes in V8 and other engines.
    2. If you declare an instance property on the object passed to the Class constructor, it will be
      placed in the object's prototype. This leads to an unnecessary lookup in the prototype chain. It also may cause problems for Arrays and Objects, because they are not re-initialized as you might expect.


Here is a Vector example, where we reduce duplicate code but favour composition rather than inheritance. Inheritance (i.e. Vector3 extends Vector2) would lead to unnecessary lookups on the prototype chain.

var Class = require('klasse');

//A lightweight mixin which contains functions, properties, etc 
//to be placed on the prototype.
var mixins = {

	length: function() {
		return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSq());

var Vector2 = new Class({

	//Mixin the length. This accepts an array of mixins
	//(lightweight objects, or a new Class) or you can 
	//just specify a single mixin.
	Mixins: mixins,

	//We use named functions for the constructor, which
	//leads to nicer console logs on Chrome.
	function Vector2(x, y) {
		this.x = x || 0;
		this.y = y || 0;

	lengthSq: function() {
		var x = this.x, 
			y = this.y;
		return ( x * x + y * y );

var Vector3 = new Class({

	Mixins: mixins,

	function Vector3(x, y, z) {
		//We can call the constructor like so
		Vector2.call(this, x, y);
		this.z = z || 0;

	lengthSq: function() {
		var x = this.x,
			y = this.y,
			z = this.z;
		return (x * x + y * y + z + z);

"simplified" properties

If an object in the class definition or a mixin has get and/or set functions, then we assume its a property. It looks like this:

var Person = new Class({

	function Person(age) {
		this._age = age || 0;

    /** The 'age' property. */
    age: {
        get: function() { 
            return this._age;

        set: function(value) {
            if (value < 0)
                throw new Error("age must be positive");
            this._age = value;

var p = new Person(12);
p.age += 2; //increases age
console.log(p.age); //prints 14
p.age = -1; //throws error

Simplified properties are enumerable and configurable by default, unless otherwise specified. See below.

final properties

A property which has configurable set to false will be considered final. Trying to Extend or Mixin and override such a property will throw an error. You can skip these errors by setting the Class.ignoreFinals flag to true before creating new classes. Then, only the first instance of that property will be included in your new Class.

Non-Node environments

You can grab the UMD file from the build package, which is namespaced to klasse. So your code might look like this:

var MyClass = new klasse.Class({



To build, install the necessary command-line tools:

npm install uglify-js yuidocjs browserify -g

Then run the build script from the project directory:

npm run build

