
Marrow.js is inside the bones of your framework, it helps your components communicate.



Marrow.js is inside the bones of your framework, it helps your component communicate.

Its also on npm

npm install marrow

Marrow was made for frontend, but it does not specifically use the DOM so it works on node as well.


Getting Started

var Component = Marrow( function Component( ) {
	/* constructor */
} );

by adding in the second referance to the name in the function we are able to preserve the


with a function

var Component = Marrow( 
	function Component( ) {
		/* constructor */
	function( _this ){
		_this.method = function(){

		_this.value = 123;

with a object

var Component = Marrow( 
	function Component( ) {
		/* constructor */
		hello : function(){
			this.emit( 'world' );

Basic Inheritance

var Component = Marrow( function Component( ) {
	/* constructor */

Component.prototype.method = function ( ) {

Component.prototype.value = 123;

Creating an Instance

var Component = Marrow( /* ... */ );
var component = new Component( );


Marrows events are very similiar to Backbones or Nodes event emitter. In Marrow you have an event string. That event string helps identify what handlers to send the events & events payload to. We support base events and chaining events as well

eg. app:error would be an event that has a base of app and subevent of error so if you were to bind to either app or app:error you would recieve the event data.


Instead of allowing multiple levels of event bind there is only two levels base:sub but we also allow chaining so if there are multiple sub events you would like to emit to you could just chain the events together eg. app:error:log. Would emit to app, app:log, app:error, & app:error:log.


is a way to bind to a event emitted by the object. The first parameter is a String that defined what event type that you want to attach to. The second parameter is a function that will be queued and executed once the event fires.

component.on( 'event', function ( args ) {
	/* do stuff */
} );

If a sub event is emitted and consumed by a base event the base event will also get the event string so that it can be handled correctly.

component.on( 'app', function ( event, args ) {
	/* do stuff */
} );
/* if `app:*` is emited */

Just added to 0.0.17 the ability to bind to other objs events

component.on( otherComponent, 'event', function ( args ) {
	/* do stuff with another objects event */
} );


Added in 0.1.0 the ability to bind to constructor events, so every time a new instance is made after the event has be registered will have the event listener automatically subscribed to it.

var Foo = Marrow( function Foo( ) { });
component.on( Foo, 'hello', function ( ) {
	console.log('Foo::hello fired');
var bar = new Foo();
// Foo::hello fired

Threa lightly with this one, there currently is no way to unbind these events, unless unbound via the instance via'hello')


practically the same exact thing as on but only will fire once.

component.once( 'event', function ( args ) {
	/* do stuff once */
} );

is a way to remove a binding to an event that would be attached with the on method. The first parameter is a String with the name of the event you want to unbind from this is optional, when omited all events will be unbound from object. The second parameter is a funcion that is a referance to a function that was bound to an event this will only remove that one binding. The second argument is also optional and when omitted will then unbind and bindings to the specified event in the first parameter.

var fn = function fn () { /* ... */ };
component.on( 'event', fn ); 'event', fn );
// remove all handlers 'event' );
// remove everything );

removing bindings to other object is also possible otherComponent, 'event', handle ); otherComponent, 'event' );


is a way to fire off events to all the binding functions. The first parameter in emit is the event type as a String this is a referance used to bind the events to functions. Emit will also take any other parameters passed into the emits method and will pass them to the and event binds... only omiting the first parameter, the event type.

component.on( "event", function( payload ){ 
	/*Do stuff with payload*/
component.emit( "event", {} );

Building Methods

Right now there is only one method in this section but in this section has allot of areas to expand to.

creates a method that will auto fire off an event with the same name. The first parameter is type which is the name of the method and the name of the event to bind to, this is a String. The second argument is a function that you would want to excute when the newly created method is called. The third state parameter is state which is a Number... the number of the state you want you component to go into once the method is called. 'complete', function ( ) {
	/* do stuff */
}, 2 );
component.on( 'complete', function ( ) { 
	// will fire after all sync code in complete method are ran
} );
component.complete( );


Marrow allows for multiple number states so that components can not only talk to each other but know what states other components are in.


returns the state of the component... will alway be evaluted for a number


first parameter gets set as value of the __state which is return in getState. Need to be a Number if not it will be evaluated as NaN.

component.setState( 3 );
component.getState( ); // 3

using 'complete', function ( ) { }, 5 );
component.complete( );
component.getState( ); // 5