
node-news is good news.



node-news is a simple RSS/Atom feed aggregator with a browser-based client and a NodeJS-based HTTP server. Both client and server rely on the Dojo Toolkit which allows them to share similar patterns and idioms. PostgreSQL is used for the database.

This is alpha-quality software and is missing a number of important features:

  • Unread article counts and related visual cues
  • Error reporting in the UI
  • Server support for sending ranges of articles rather than the entire list
  • Multi-word feed categories
  • i18n support

Long polling for updates and better server/client code sharing are also in mind.

Getting the Project

To get the project and retrieve all its dependencies:

git clone --recursive
cd node-news
npm install

Creating the Database

To create a the database on a local postgres instance:

psql --set database_name=news < server/data/create.pgsql

The default database name is "news", but use whatever name you'd like and update the postgresConnectionString in server/config.json.

Configuring the Server

The server configuration is in server/config.json and is hopefully self-explanatory.

Running the server

In the root of the project, run the following command:

node node-bootstrap.js load=server

Launching the client

Browse to http://<server-ip-or-hostname>:<server-port>.

The client is intended to support modern desktop browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and IE9+, but so far, it has only been tested with the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on OSX.

CAUTION: I haven't tested the client with IE yet, but nothing in the client should preclude IE9 support.


Thanks to Justin Pitts for giving advice and feedback as I got to know Postgres over the last month.


New BSD License © 2013 Brandon Payton