
An app to track attendance at UIUC

MIT License



An app to track attendance at UIUC

Preparing to Deploy/Run the Project

Order of Instructions To Be Read for Setting Up The Project

  1. DB Installation And Useful Utilities
  2. Starting Up The Postgres Server
  3. DB Setup And Configuration
  4. Running the Webserver
  5. Running the Webserver in Production Mode for Heroku

DB Installation And Useful Utilities

Support will be ranged from Tier 1 - 3, where Tier 1 has the greatest support and Tier 3 has minimal testing at the time of writing this document. Feel free to update information on this if using any environments listed below or an unlisted environment.

Tier 1

  • Arch Linux
  • Ubuntu

Tier 2

  • Native Windows Postgres Installs

Tier 3

  • Mac OS (due to unknown behavior of brew formula)

Install Instructions for Postgres

Arch Linux install instructions can be found here.

For Ubuntu users wanting to host a database in the Ubuntu environment

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Windows user can find the installer from here.

Mac users can either use a brew package (which does not setup a postgres user needed by the setup scripts in this repository) or use the installer here.

Starting Up The Postgres Server

For users with systemctl

To start postgresql,

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

To enable the database on boot,

sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service

Windows Users


Mac Users


DB Setup And Configuration

Setup Script

If setting up on an install of postgresql that has a postgres user, can simple execute utils/db_setup/

Manual Setup

If not, simply execute utils/db_setup/dbInit.sql using the psql client.

For example,

psql <normal-postgres-args> -a -f utils/db_setup/dbInit.sql

Example of <normal-postgres-args>

-U attendance-adm -d attendance

To populate the newly created database with tables, simply run the webapp as explained in Running the Webserver.

Util Scripts

If you need to drop all tables due to a schema change or any other reason, execute utils/db_utils/

Running the Webserver

  • Clone this repository to your computer
  • Run npm install in the newly-cloned directory
  • Run npm run dev
  • Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application

Running the Webserver in Production Mode for Heroku

Note: there should be no need to do this manually since the Travis CI config .travis.yml will

  • Similar to the instructions in Running the Webserver except the following two points
  • Run npm start instead of npm run dev
  • The port on heroku will be port 80 instead of port 3000

Useful Utilities and Resources