
A full-stack web application that simulates a student register


Student Register

About Student Register

Student Register is a full-stack application, built with PostgreSQL, Express, React and Node.js, which simulates a students register. The user can create students, edit and delete students.

How to run

brew install node
  • Install PostgreSQL if you don't have it. Use the package manager Homebrew if you are a Mac user, by running:
brew install postgresql
  • Run the following to install the dependencies:
npm install
  • Cd into the server folder
  • Connect to PostgreSQL by running:
psql postgres
  • Run the SQL queries that can be found in the database.sql file, to create the Register database and the students table
  • Run the following to start the server
node app.js
  • Open a second terminal and cd into the client folder
  • Run
npm start
  • The application should automatically open in the browser

Built with

  • PostgreSQL
  • Express
  • React
  • Node.js
  • CSS

What it looks like