
💉 Extracts your external defined modules and injects their unpkg cdn equivalent into an index entry file.

MIT License


Suited for projects that leverage the Rollup JavaScript API to programmatically generate bundles.


A rollup plugin that will use your external defined modules and inject their unpkg CDN equivalents as script tags into a custom defined entry index file. The benifits here are that Rollup will skip bundling heavy dependencies that you might be using which in turn will speed up your bundle times when compiling programatically or using a third-party tool like Gulp 4.

Bruh... Why not just code split?

If you're using the JavaScript API and bundling programatically, even with code splitting Rollup is still processing your dependencies. The plugin was originally developed to speed up the time it was taking Rollup to complile IIFE bundles building via Gulp 4 functions but it can be appropriated to almost any use even if you're not compling via the JavaScript API.


yarn add rollup-plugin-dep-inject --dev


npm install rollup-plugin-dep-inject --save-dev


import depInject from  'rollup-plugin-dep-inject'

export default {
  input: 'src/app.js',
  // Some External defined modules
  external: ['lodash', 'bss', 'mithril', 'turbolinks'],
  // Generating an IIFE bundle
  output: [
      file: 'dist/app.bundle.js',
      format: 'iife',
      name: 'App',
      sourcemap: true,
      // Globals reflect the externmal defined modules
      globals: {
        lodash: '_',
        bss: 'b',
        mithril: 'm',
        turbolinks: 'Turbolinks'
  plugins: [
    // We call dep-inject to add externals to said file
      index: 'dist/index.html'


Option Type Description
index String Relative path to the projects entry index file.
attrs String Attributes apply to <script> tags.
ignore Array External listed module IDs to ignore.
remove Boolean When set to true will remove any injected dependencies in file
log Boolean Enabled/Disable logging of dependency injections, defaults to true
unpkg Object Retrieve specific reference using a unpkg-uri pattern.
custom Object Use a custom url reference to a module.

Both the unpkg and custom options accept a comma-separate list of moduleID:Reference pairs.


The plugin leverages unpkg-uri when generating the unpkg CDN module equivalents. The unpkg option accepts unpkg-uri pattern values which allows you to retrieve specified references within a modules package.

Value Returns
[min.js][email protected]/lib/index.min.js
|file.json[email protected]/lib/file.json
/package.json[email protected]/package.json
@1.2.3[email protected]/lib/index.js
@prefix/[email protected]/lib/index.js


By default all external modules listed in rollup.config.js files will be injected and use the version numbers sourced from your projects package.json file. The unpkg uri will be generated automatically.

Below is a usage example with custom configuration:

  index: 'dist/index.html', // inject modules into this file
  attrs: 'defer', // add a 'defer' attribute to each generated script tag
  ignore: ['lodash'], // do not inject the 'lodash' module,
  remove: (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') // Remove injected modules for production bundle
  unpkg: {
    // leverage 'unpkg-uri' pattern and retrive the minified version of the 'bss' module
    bss: '[min.js]'
  custom: {
    // use a custom CDN reference for the 'mithril' framework module

The above configuration would write the following to the entry index defined file:

<!-- dist/index.html -->

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <script src="[email protected]/bss.min.js" defer></script>
    <script src="" defer></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/turbolinks.js" defer></script>

    <script src="bundle.test.js"></script>
    <div class="test">
      <h1>Hello World</h1>

The injectected dependencies in this example reflect the options defined within the plugin configuration:

  • The script tags contain defer attributes
  • Lodash was ignored
  • BSS uses the minified version
  • Mithril is using the custom CDN address.

Removing injections

You can remove injections by passing a truthy to the remove option which will detect and remove any injected <script> dependencies from the index file located between <!--dep-inject--> comments. This is helpful when you are building in different environments where in development you inject dependencies but in production you bundle them.

How it works?

The plugin uses your bundles external: [] modules and cross-references them with your projects package.json dependencies. The name and version number is used to generate <script src=""> tags that reference the modules unpkg uri equivalent cdn address. The generated script tag modules are then injected into the entry index file that was defined in the plugin options.


Please see changelog for more information what has changed recently.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.