
host your own lightweight npm registry

MIT License



Your own private npm

Installation and Usage

Note: its recommended to use the lastest version of npm with μnpm. It has been updated to support scoped-modules which μnpm also supports.

Command line

If you just want a μnpm with the default configuration:

npm install -g unpm && unpm

Now you have your own npm running at localhost:8123.

You also have a directory called $(pwd)/data, which will hold flat files with data on your users, packages, etc.

Command line options

The default command line tool accepts the following flags:

  • --port, -p <number>: Run μnpm's http server on port <number>
  • --quiet, -q: Disable logging to stdout
  • --log, -l: Set log level (error, info, or debug; defaults to info)
  • --logdir, -L: Path for log storage, defaults to $(pwd)
  • --datadir, -d: Path for storing tarballs and data files, defaults to
  • --fallback, -F: Fallback npm repository
  • --configfile, -c: Path for loading a config file, defaults to lib/config.json

Extended usage

Now use npm as normal-- simply specify the URI of the running μnpm service via the --registry flag, or with the registry parameter of your .npmrc. Most of npm's methods are supported.

Usage might look something like the following:

# Install a module:
npm install [email protected] --registry http://localhost:8123

# Publish the module defined in the current dir:
npm publish --registry http://localhost:8123

# Install dependencies:
npm install --registry http://localhost:8123

# Add a user:
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:8123

Useful tools

As a node module

Install with npm install unpm.

Now require('unpm') returns a function which takes a config object, and constructs a μnpm service, with attributes as defined in Instance.

The config object can have all the keys defined in Configuration, with the following additions:


The μnpm service instance has the following attributes:

  • server: An HTTP
    which will service the npm api, and the additional resources defined for
  • log: The logging object. Has methods info, debug, and error, which
    should support the
    Bunyan logging API.
  • backend: The μnpm backend. This is a module which encapsulates
    persistence logic for μnpm. It defaults to a
    file-system backend, but is of course configurable.
  • router: The router which defines what logic to invoke for a given requests.
    It is an instance of μnpm-router
  • config: The config object passed to the constructor.
  • handler: The handler for the request event.


A default configuration file is set in ./lib/config.json. Any configuration options that are not explicitly passed to μnpm (via unpm(config)) will default to the values in that file.

You can set the following values as configuration options:


config.host is passed directly to url.format

Describes a base URI at which μnpm's resources will be made available, modulo package name. The URI (with package name) is written to each package's metadata. At current this simply sets the URI (modulo name and version) at which package tarballs are available.

Note: that this may or may not reflect the URI at which μnpm's resources will be made available. The intent is to allow μnpm to sit behind a proxy, writing its data to a location from which they might be served by a light, fast static asset server. The proxy can route requests to host to the static server, and requests to &mu;npm.

Defaults to:

  "hostname": "localhost",
  "protocol": "http",
  "port": 8123,
  "pathname": ""

Package's metadata will include a url that looks like the return value of make_filename:

var url = require('url') // node's url lib

function make_filename(name, version) {
  var filename = name + '-' + version + '.tgz'

  return url.format(config.host) + path.join('/', name, '-','filename')


The path prefix from which μnpm serves requests.


An object to be passed to require('password-hash').generate as its second argument, when hashing passwords.


If true, registry requests will be checked for authentication.


Settings that come in effect when config.checkAuth is true

Defaults to:

  "authenticated_gets": false,
  "whitelist": ["/_session", "/-/user/org.couchdb.user:*", "/-/user/org.couchdb.user:*/*/*'"]

authenticated_gets if true, get requests must also be authenticated. Used to prevent anonymous installs of packages. whitelist an array of routes that are whitelisted for unauthenticated users.


Print logs to standard out. Defaults to true


A string specifying the logging level. One of: "error", "info", or "debug". Defaults to "info".


The directory into which to write logs. Stores rotational file logs with a period of one day, keeping 10 days worth of archives. If config.log is specified but config.verbose is false and no config.logDir is set, logs will be stored in $(pwd)


An array of CIDR IP ranges. If this option is set, μnpm will return a 403 to any request from an IP which does not fall into the provided ranges.


If set, GETs for package metadata will be redirected to the fallback registry specified, eg. http://registry.npmjs.org. Defaults to false


If set to true, looking up packages against μnpm will always include versions published to the fallback as well, rather than just showing versions in the fallback if no version exists in μnpm. Defaults to false.



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Top 6.32% on Npmjs.org
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