
Zest Firefox add-on


Zest-Addon Stories in Ready

Zest Firefox add-on


  1. Clone the repo
  2. cd into the cloned repo
  3. Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  4. Run grunt build to start building. This would install jetpack and put the generated .xpi in tmp/dist-stable/

Running in a test environment

Run grunt run

Some useful commands


It performs jshint on the source in src/ and starts a watcher to pick up any change in files and run jshint on them.

grunt run

Run the add-on in a test environment in Firefox.

grunt run:experimental

Run the add-on in the trunk version of Firefox add-on SDK. Before running this, the trunk version must be installed by running grunt mozilla-addon-sdk:master

grunt release

Generate an .xpi using the stable version of the add-on SDK.

grunt release:experimental

Generate an .xpi using the master branch of the add-on SDK. This command requires installing the master branch of the sdk in advance.

grunt test

Run the add-on SDK unit tests using the stable version of the SDK.

grunt test:experimental

Run the add-on SDK unit tests using the trunk version of the SDK.