
Files that start with a dot (they're very cool).



Welcome! ()

Here are my dotfiles, the configuration files needed to customize a desktop like mine!

This repository is still quite new, I'll progressively add themes I have made in the past and eventually new ones.


The themes are wrapped around my colorscheme manager colorer.

To install a theme,

  • Make sure you have installed colorer.
  • Copy/link the files to their respective location starting from the home directory (cp -r <theme-name>/. ~ or the included script ./switch_theme <theme-name>).
  • Choose a colorscheme: browse the repo or make your own, put it wherever you want. It's better to keep it!
  • Run colorer <path to colorscheme file> to generate config files in .config/colorer/out. They will automatically be linked/copied according to the script commands from colorer's configuration folder.
  • Tweak some stuff; some of these elements (keybinds, aliases...) are quite personal and might not fit your needs. Play around, remove what's useless and find something that suits you!

The wallpapers can be found in this mess: wallpapers. Also, consider checking out ImageColorizer :)

It can be vary according to the theme, but in general:

  • I use bspwm as my window manager, on pair with sxhkd to manage keybindings;
  • The terminal emulator will either be alacritty or kitty.
  • I edit my files with neovim; please refer to my neovim configuration files
  • picom gives me shadows and makes sure that the graphics don't go crazy;
  • My main file manager is ranger, or just... you know, the command line.
  • Status bar is generally polybar
  • dunst is my notification daemon, I use this fork to have double borders.
  • depending on the theme, rofi or dmenu takes care of my menus and application launchers.
  • bashed-on-a-feeling is used in a big part of my themes (it's great!)

Included scripts

To make the usage and switching of themes easier, I have included (mostly for me):

  • switch_theme which takes the name of the theme as argument
  • update_theme, which copies files from my home directory to the repository and shows diffs per directory. The flag -n does a dry-run.
  • quickdiff <relative filepath> <theme> shows the diff between the file in the home directory and in the theme directory.






