
Establish good command workflow and quit bad habit

MIT License


✨ Features

  • Block repeated keys within a period of time
  • Print hints about better commands eg: Use ci" instead of di"i
  • Customizable options for restricted keys, disabled keys, etc.
  • Get report for your most common bad habits for improvement

Recommended workflow:

  1. Avoid using the mouse and arrow keys if they are not at the home row of your keyboard.
  2. Use relative jump (eg: 5j 12-) for vertical movement within the screen.
  3. Use CTRL-U CTRL-D CTRL-B CTRL-F gg G for vertical movement outside the screen.
  4. Use word-motion (w W b B e E ge gE) for short-distance horizontal movement.
  5. Use f F t T , ; 0 ^ $ for medium to long-distance horizontal movement.
  6. Use operator + motion/text-object (eg: ci{ y5j dap) whenever possible.
  7. Use % and square bracket commands (see :h [) to jump between brackets.

Learn more in this blog post

⚡ Requirements

📦 Installation

  1. Install via your favorite package manager.
-- lazy.nvim
   dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
   opts = {}
  1. Setup the plugin in your init.lua. This step is not needed with lazy.nvim if opts is set as above.

If you want to see the hint messages in insert and visual mode, set the 'showmode' to false.

But if you want to see both the hint message and current mode you can setup with one of the following methods:

  • Display the mode on status line and set 'showmode' to false. You can do this with some statusline plugin such as lualine.nvim.
  • Set the 'cmdheight' to 2 so that the hint message won't be replaced by mode message.
  • Use nvim-notify to display hint messages on the right top corner instead of commandline.

🚀 Usage

hardtime.nvim is enabled by default. You can change its state with the following commands:

  • :Hardtime enable enable hardtime.nvim
  • :Hardtime disable disable hardtime.nvim
  • :Hardtime toggle toggle hardtime.nvim

You can view the most frequently seen hints with :Hardtime report.

Your log file is at ~/.local/state/nvim/hardtime.nvim.log.

🔧 Configuration

You can pass your config table into the setup() function or opts if you use lazy.nvim.

If the option is a boolean, number, or array, your value will overwrite the default configuration.


-- Add "oil" to the disabled_filetypes
disabled_filetypes = { "qf", "netrw", "NvimTree", "lazy", "mason", "oil" },

If the option is a table with a key = value pair, your value will overwrite the default if the key exists, and the pair will be appended to the default configuration if the key doesn't exist. You can set key = {} to remove the default key-value pair.


-- Remove <Up> keys and append <Space> to the disabled_keys
disabled_keys = {
   ["<Up>"] = {},
   ["<Space>"] = { "n", "x" },


Option Name Type Default Valuae Meaning
max_time number 1000 Maximum time (in milliseconds) to consider key presses as repeated.
max_count number 3 Maximum count of repeated key presses allowed within the max_time period.
disable_mouse boolean true Disable mouse support.
hint boolean true Enable hint messages for better commands.
notification boolean true Enable notification messages for restricted and disabled keys.
allow_different_key boolean true Allow different keys to reset the count.
enabled boolean true Whether the plugin is enabled by default or not.
resetting_keys table of strings/table pair See Config Keys in what modes that reset the count.
restricted_keys table of strings/table pair See Config Keys in what modes triggering the count mechanism.
restriction_mode string ("block" or "hint") "block" The behavior when restricted_keys trigger count mechanism.
disabled_keys table of strings/table pair See Config Keys in what modes are disabled.
disabled_filetypes table of strings See Config hardtime.nvim is disabled under these filetypes.
hints table See Config key is a string pattern you want to match, value is a table of hint message and pattern length. Learn more about Lua string pattern.
callback function(text) vim.notify callback function can be used to override the default notification behavior.

hints example

These are two default hints:

hints = {
   ["k%^"] = {
      message = function()
         return "Use - instead of k^" -- return the hint message you want to display
      length = 2, -- the length of actual key strokes that matches this pattern
   ["d[tTfF].i"] = { -- this matches d + {t/T/f/F} + {any character} + i
      message = function(keys) -- keys is a string of key strokes that matches the pattern
         return "Use " .. "c" .. keys:sub(2, 3) .. " instead of " .. keys
         -- example: Use ct( instead of dt(i
      length = 4,

Check out some examples of custom hint in discussion!

Default config

🦾 Contributing

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md.

👥 Contributors