
Smooth scrolling for ANY command 🤯. A Neovim plugin written in Lua!

MIT License


Cinnamon Scroll 🍥

Smooth scrolling for ANY command 🤯. A highly customizable Neovim plugin written in Lua!

✨ Features

  • Can add smooth cursor and window scroll animation to any normal mode movement, command, or Lua function
  • Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal scrolling
  • Adjusts scroll speed based on movement distance
  • Non-blocking delays using luv
  • Two scrolling modes:
    • cursor: animate cursor and window scrolling for any movement
    • window: animate window scrolling ONLY when the cursor moves out of view

📋 Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.8.0

🎥 Demo

📦 Installation

Just install with your favorite package manager and run the setup function.


  version = "*", -- use latest release
  opts = {
    -- change default options here

⚙️ Configuration

A settings table can be passed into the setup function for custom options.

Default Options

---@class CinnamonOptions
return {
    -- Disable the plugin
    disabled = false,

    keymaps = {
        -- Enable the provided 'basic' keymaps
        basic = false,
        -- Enable the provided 'extra' keymaps
        extra = false,
    ---@class ScrollOptions
    options = {
        -- The scrolling mode
        -- `cursor`: animate cursor and window scrolling for any movement
        -- `window`: animate window scrolling ONLY when the cursor moves out of view
        mode = "cursor",

        -- Only animate scrolling if a count is provided
        count_only = false,

        -- Delay between each movement step (in ms)
        delay = 5,

        max_delta = {
            -- Maximum distance for line movements before scroll
            -- animation is skipped. Set to `false` to disable
            line = false,
            -- Maximum distance for column movements before scroll
            -- animation is skipped. Set to `false` to disable
            column = false,
            -- Maximum duration for a movement (in ms). Automatically scales the
            -- delay and step size
            time = 1000,

        step_size = {
            -- Number of cursor/window lines moved per step
            vertical = 1,
            -- Number of cursor/window columns moved per step
            horizontal = 2,

        -- Optional post-movement callback. Not called if the movement is interrupted
        callback = function() end,

Example Configuration

require("cinnamon").setup {
    -- Enable all provided keymaps
    keymaps = {
        basic = true,
        extra = true,
    -- Only scroll the window
    options = { mode = "window" },

⌨️ Keymaps

Basic Keymaps

Scroll animation for ...

Category Keys
Half-window movements <C-U> and <C-D>
Page movements <C-B>, <C-F>, <PageUp> and <PageDown>
Paragraph movements { and }
Prev/next search result n, N, *, #, g* and g#
Prev/next cursor location <C-O> and <C-I>

Extra Keymaps

Scroll animation for ...

Category Keys
Start/end of file gg and G
Line number [count]gg and [count]G
Start/end of line 0, ^ and $
Screen scrolling zz, zt, zb, z., z<CR>, z-, z^, z+, <C-Y> and <C-E>
Horizontal scrolling zH, zL, zs, ze, zh and zl
Up/down movements [count]j, [count]k, [count]<Up>, [count]<Down>, [count]gj, [count]gk, [count]g<Up> and [count]g<Down>
Left/right movements [count]h, [count]l, [count]<Left> and [count]<Right>



require("cinnamon").scroll({command}, {options})

Executes the given command with cursor and window scroll animation.

  • {command} (string|function) Can be any of the following:

    • Normal mode movement command

    • Command-line (Ex) command when prefixed with a semicolon

      require("cinnamon").scroll(":keepjumps normal! <C-]>")
    • A Lua function

          vim.lsp.buf.definition({ loclist = true })
  • {options} (ScrollOptions?) Override the default scroll options. See the Default Options for more information.

    require("cinnamon").scroll("<C-]>", { mode = "window" })


local cinnamon = require("cinnamon")


-- Centered scrolling:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-U>", function() cinnamon.scroll("<C-U>zz") end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-D>", function() cinnamon.scroll("<C-D>zz") end)

-- LSP:
vim.keymap.set("n", "gd", function() cinnamon.scroll(vim.lsp.buf.definition) end)
vim.keymap.set("n", "gD", function() cinnamon.scroll(vim.lsp.buf.declaration) end)

-- Flash.nvim integration:
local flash = require("flash")
local jump = require("flash.jump")

  action = function(match, state)
      jump.jump(match, state)

📅 User Events

  • CinnamonCmdPre - Triggered before the given command is executed
  • CinnamonCmdPost - Triggered after the given command is executed
  • CinnamonScrollPre - Triggered before the scroll animation
  • CinnamonScrollPost - Triggered after the scroll animation

🚫 Disabling

  • vim.b.cinnamon_disable (boolean) Disable scroll animation for the current buffer
  • vim.g.cinnamon_disable (boolean) Disable scroll animation globally

Example Usage:

-- Disable scrolling for help buffers
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
    pattern = "help",
    callback = function() vim.b.cinnamon_disable = true end,