
A powerful refactoring tool for nvim.



replacer.nvim makes quickfix windows editable, allowing changes to both the content of a file and its path. You can use this to rename variables and files easily. When moving a file around, if the origin folder gets empty, it's deleted.

See the example below.

Using the plugin

First, populate a quickfix window with the lines and files you want to change. If you don't know how, try the :Rg command from fzf.vim.

Now, inside the quickfix window, execute :lua require("replacer").run()<cr>. You can also map it to a shortcut, for instance in lua:

api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>h', ':lua require("replacer").run()<cr>', { silent = true })

Or in VimScript:

nmap <leader>h :lua require("replacer").run()<cr>

Your quickfix window will change and now you can edit the lines and move/rename the files.

Save the buffer when you're done. That's it.

Renaming files

Renaming/moving files is enabled by default. To disable this functionality, set the option rename_files. For instance:

api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>h', ':lua require("replacer").run({ rename_files = false })<cr>', { silent = true })

Saving the changes

By default, changes are saved when you write the buffer. To disable this functionality and instead set a custom shortcut to save the changes, set the save_on_write option and execute the save function. For instance:

local opts = { save_on_write = false, rename_files = false }

api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>h', ':lua require("replacer").run(opts)<cr>', { silent = true })

api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>H', ':lua require("replacer").save(opts)<cr>', { silent = true })

Notice that the options are sent to both run and save. This is important for consistent behavior.

Global options

You can also use the setup function to set global options. For instance, with lazy.nvim you can do something like this:

    dir = 'gabrielpoca/replacer.nvim',
    opts = {rename_files = false},
    keys = {
            function() require('replacer').run() end,
            desc = "run replacer.nvim"

The rename_files will be set to false by default in every execution of the functions run and save.