
Create powerful WhatsApp bots easily.

MIT License



Create powerful WhatsApp bots easily.

  • ✨ Effortless
  • 🧱 Builder
  • 🛒 Built in Collector
  • ⏰ Built in Cooldown
  • 🔑 Built in Command handler
  • 🎉 And more!

Table Of Contents


npm install @mengkodingan/ckptw
# or
yarn add @mengkodingan/ckptw
# or
pnpm add @mengkodingan/ckptw


import { Client, Events, MessageType } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";

const bot = new Client({
    prefix: "!",
    printQRInTerminal: true,
    readIncommingMsg: true

bot.ev.once(Events.ClientReady, (m) => {
    console.log(`ready at ${}`);

bot.command('ping', async(ctx) => ctx.reply({ text: 'pong!' }));
bot.command('hi', async(ctx) => ctx.reply('hello! you can use string as a first parameter in reply function too!'));

bot.hears('test', async(ctx) => ctx.reply('test 1 2 3 beep boop...'));
bot.hears(MessageType.stickerMessage, async(ctx) => ctx.reply('wow, cool sticker'));
bot.hears(['help', 'menu'], async(ctx) => ctx.reply('hears can be use with array too!'));
bot.hears(/(using\s?)?regex/, async(ctx) => ctx.reply('or using regex!'));


Or using the Events

import { Client, Events } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";

const bot = new Client({
    prefix: "!", // you can also use array or regex too,
    printQRInTerminal: true,
    readIncommingMsg: true

bot.ev.once(Events.ClientReady, (m) => {
    console.log(`ready at ${}`);

bot.ev.on(Events.MessagesUpsert, (m, ctx) => {
    if(m.key.fromMe) return;
    if(m.content === "hello") {
        ctx.reply("hi 👋");


Client Configuration

export interface ClientOptions {
    /* The bot prefix */
    prefix: Array<string> | string | RegExp;
    /* Should bot mark as read the incomming messages? - Default: false */
    readIncommingMsg?: boolean;
    /* Path to the auth/creds directory - Default: ./state */
    authDir?: string;
    /* Print the qr in terminal? - Default: false */
    printQRInTerminal?: boolean;
    /* Time taken to generate new qr in ms - Default: 60000 ms (1 minute) */
    qrTimeout?: number;
    /* Should the client mark as online on connect? - Default: true */
    markOnlineOnConnect?: boolean;
    /* The bot phone number starts with country code (e.g 62xxx), Used for pairing code purposes. */
    phoneNumber?: string;
    /* Connect the bot using pairing code method instead of qr method. - Default: false */
    usePairingCode?: boolean;
    /* Should a bot reply when the bot number itself uses its bot command? - Default: false */
    selfReply?: boolean;
    /* Optional specify a custom Whatsapp Web Version */
    WAVersion?: [number, number, number];
    /* You can mention someone without having to enter each Whatsapp Jid into the `mentions` array. - Default: false */
    autoMention?: boolean;

Command Options

bot.command(opts: CommandOptions | string, code?: (ctx: Ctx) => Promise<any>)
// you can use the new command function code too! 
bot.command('ping', async(ctx) => ctx.reply('pong!'))
// or you can use the old one!
export interface CommandOptions {
    /* command name */
    name: string;
    /* command aliases */
    aliases?: Array<string>;
    /* command code */
    code: (ctx: Ctx) => Promise<any>;
// e.g
  name: 'ping',
  code: async(ctx) => ctx.reply('pong!');

Command Handler

With command handler you dont need all your command is located in one file.

  • in your main file

    import { CommandHandler } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
    import path from "path";
    /* ... */
    const cmd = new CommandHandler(bot, path.resolve() + '/CommandsPath');
    /* */
  • in your command file

    module.exports = {
        name: "ping",
        code: async (ctx) => {

    You can add a type property to define the handler type... For now there are only command and hears types.

    module.exports = {
        name: "hears with command handler",
        type: "hears", // add this
        code: async (ctx) => {
          ctx.reply("hello world!");

Command Cooldown

Cooldown can give a delay on the command. This can be done to prevent users from spamming your bot commands.

import { Cooldown } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw"; // import the Cooldown class

bot.command('ping', async(ctx) => {
    const cd = new Cooldown(ctx, 8000); // add this. Cooldown time must be in milliseconds.
    if(cd.onCooldown) return ctx.reply(`slow down... wait ${cd.timeleft}ms`); // if user has cooldown stop the code by return something.


if you want to trigger some function when the cooldown end, you can use the "end" events in the cooldown:

⚠ Will always be triggered when the cooldown is over (even though the users only runs the command once)

cd.on("end", () => {
  ctx.reply({ text: "cd timeout" });

Cooldown getter:

/* check if sender is on cooldown */
cd.onCooldown; // boolean

/* check the cooldown time left (in ms) */
cd.timeleft; // number


  • Button

    Make a button message with Button Builder.

    export type ButtonType = 'cta_url' | 'cta_call' | 'cta_copy' | 'cta_reminder' | 'cta_cancel_reminder' | 'address_message' | 'send_location' | 'quick_reply';
    import { ButtonBuilder } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
    let button = new ButtonBuilder()
        .setDisplayText('command Ping')
    let button2 = new ButtonBuilder()
        .setDisplayText('copy code')
        .setCopyCode('hello world')
    let button3 = new ButtonBuilder()
    // use sendInteractiveMessage if you dont want to quote the message.
      body: 'this is body', 
      footer: 'this is footer', 
      nativeFlowMessage: { buttons: [button, button2, button3] } 
  • Sections

    Sections message is like a list.

    import { SectionsBuilder } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
    let section1 = new SectionsBuilder()
      .setDisplayText("Click me")
        title: 'Title 1',
        rows: [
          { header: "Row Header 1", title: "Row Title 1", description: "Row Description 1", id: "Row Id 1" },
          { header: "Row Header 2", title: "Row Title 2", description: "Row Description 2", id: "Row Id 2" }
        title: 'This is title 2',
        rows: [
          { title: "Ping", id: "!ping" },
          { title: "Hello world", id: "hello world" },
    ctx.sendInteractiveMessage(!, { 
      body: 'this is body', 
      footer: 'this is footer', 
      nativeFlowMessage: { buttons: [section1] }  // pass it to the buttons property
  • Carousel

    A carousel message is a type of message that slides like a carousel.

    import { ButtonBuilder, CarouselBuilder } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
    let button = new ButtonBuilder()
        .setDisplayText('command Ping')
    let exampleMediaAttachment = await ctx.prepareWAMessageMedia({ image: { url:  "" } }, { upload: ctx._client.waUploadToServer })
    let cards = new CarouselBuilder()
        body: "BODY 1",
        footer: "FOOTER 1",
        header: {
          title: "HEADER TITLE 1",
          /* card headers must have media attachments */
          hasMediaAttachment: true,
        nativeFlowMessage: { buttons: [button] } // needs at least 1 button
        body: "BODY 2",
        footer: "FOOTER 2",
        header: {
          title: "HEADER TITLE 2",
          /* card headers must have media attachments */
          hasMediaAttachment: true,
          ...exampleMediaAttachment // you can use other media attachments
        nativeFlowMessage: { buttons: [button] } // needs at least 1 button
        body: "this is body",
        footer: "this is footer",
        carouselMessage: {
  • Contact

    Send a contact.

    import { VCardBuilder } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
    const vcard = new VCardBuilder()
        .setFullName("John Doe") // full name
        .setOrg("PT Mencari Cinta Sejati") // organization name
        .setNumber("621234567890") // phone number
        .build(); // required build function at end
    ctx.reply({ contacts: { displayName: "John D", contacts: [{ vcard }] }});
  • Template Buttons (⚠ DEPRCATED! Use button builder instead.)

    Send a button with "attachment".

    import { TemplateButtonsBuilder } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
    const templateButtons = new TemplateButtonsBuilder()
          .addURL({ displayText: 'ckptw at Github', url: '' })
          .addCall({ displayText: 'call me', phoneNumber: '+1234567890' })
          .addQuickReply({ displayText: 'just a normal button', id: 'btn1' })
          .build(); // required build function at end
      ctx.sendMessage(, { text: "template buttons", templateButtons });


There are several options that can be used in the collector:

export interface CollectorArgs {
    /* collector timeout in milliseconds */
    time?: number;
    /* how many messages have passed through the filter */
    max?: number;
    /* will be stop if end reason is match with your col.stop reason  */
    endReason?: string[];
    /* limit how many messages must be processed. */
    maxProcessed?: number;
    /* a function as a filter for incoming messages. */
    filter?: () => boolean;
  • Message Collector

    let col = ctx.MessageCollector({ time: 10000 }); // in milliseconds
    ctx.reply({ text: "say something... Timeout: 10s" });
    col.on("collect", (m) => {
        console.log("COLLECTED", m); // m is an Collections
        ctx.sendMessage(, {
            text: `Collected: ${m.content}\nFrom: ${m.sender}`,
    col.on("end", (collector, r) => {
        console.log("ended", r); // r = reason
        ctx.sendMessage(, { text: `Collector ended` });
  • Awaited Messages

    ctx.awaitMessages({ time: 10000 }).then((m) => ctx.reply(`got ${m.length} array length`)).catch(() => ctx.reply('end'))

Downloading Media

the code below will save the received image to ./saved.jpeg

import { MessageType } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
import fs from "node:fs";

bot.ev.on(Events.MessagesUpsert, async(m, ctx) => {
    if(ctx.getMessageType() === MessageType.imageMessage) {
        const buffer = await;
        fs.writeFileSync('./saved.jpeg', buffer);
// get current message media buffer or stream 

// get the quoted message media buffer or stream


Firstly you must import the Events Constant like this:

import { Events } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
  • Available Events

    • ClientReady - Emitted when the bot client is ready.
    • MessagesUpsert - Received an messages.
    • QR - The bot QR is ready to scan. Return the QR Codes.
    • GroupsJoin - Emitted when bot joining groups.
    • UserJoin - Emitted when someone joins a group where bots are also in that group.
    • UserLeave - Same with UserJoin but this is when the user leaves the group.
    • Poll - Emitted when someone create a poll message.
    • PollVote - Emitted when someone votes for one/more options in a poll.
    • Reactions - Emitted when someone reacts to a message.
    • Call - Emitted when someone calling, call was accepted or rejected.

Sending Message

/* sending a message */
ctx.sendMessage(, { text: "hello" });

/* quote the message */
ctx.reply({ text: "hello" });

/* sending an image */
ctx.sendMessage(, { image: { url: '' }, caption: "image caption" });
ctx.reply({ image: { url: '' }, caption: "image caption" });

/* sending an audio */
ctx.reply({ audio: { url: './audio.mp3' }, mimetype: 'audio/mp4', ptt: false }); // if "ptt" is true, the audio will be send as voicenote

/* sending an sticker */
ctx.reply({ sticker: { url: './tmp/generatedsticker.webp' }});

/* sending an video */
import fs from "node:fs";
ctx.reply({ video: fs.readFileSync("./video.mp4"), caption: "video caption", gifPlayback: false });


WhatsApp allows you to format text inside your messages. Like bolding your message, etc. This function formats strings into several markdown styles supported by WhatsApp.

⚠ Some new text formatting is only available on Web and Mac desktop.

You can see the Whatsapp FAQ about formatting messages here.

import { bold, inlineCode, italic, monospace, quote, strikethrough } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";

const str = "Hello World";

const boldString = bold(str);
const italicString = italic(str);
const strikethroughString = strikethrough(str);
const quoteString = quote(str);
const inlineCodeString = inlineCode(str);
const monospaceString = monospace(str);

Editing Message

let res = await ctx.reply("old text");
ctx.editMessage(res.key, "new text");

Deleting Message

let res = await ctx.reply("testing");

Poll Message

singleSelect means you can only select one of the multiple options in the poll. Default to be false

ctx.sendPoll(, { name: "ini polling", values: ["abc", "def"], singleSelect: true })

Get Mentions

You can use the function from ctx to get the jid array mentioned in the message. For example, a message containing hello @jstn @person where @jstn & @person is a mention, then you can get an array containing the jid of the two mentioned users.

ctx.getMentioned() // return array 

Auto Mention

You can mention someone without having to enter each Whatsapp Jid into the mentions array.

  • First, you need to enable the autoMention option in your client.
    const bot = new Client({
      // ...
      autoMention: true // enable this
  • You can directly type @ followed by the user number to be mentioned. For example like this:
    ctx.reply("Hello @62812345678");

If you are still confused about what this is, perhaps you can check out the code comparison for mentioning someone below:

// autoMention: true
ctx.reply("Hello @62812345678");

// autoMention: false
ctx.reply({ text: "Hello @62812345678", mentions: ['[email protected]'] });

Group Stuff

ctx.groups.create(subject: string, members: string[]);
ctx.groups.inviteCodeInfo(code: string);
ctx.groups.acceptInvite(code: string);
ctx.groups.acceptInviteV4(key: string | proto.IMessageKeinviteMessage: proto.Message.IGroupInviteMessage); string); // jid is optional;;; "on" | "off");; "on" | "off");; number); number); number); string[], action: ParticipantAction); string[]); string[]); string[]); string[]);; string[], action: 'reject' | 'approve'); string[]); string[]); 'announcement' | 'not_announcement' | 'locked' | 'unlocked')


/* replying message */
ctx.reply({ text: "test" });
ctx.reply("you can use string as a first parameter too!");

/* using interactive message */
ctx.sendInteractiveMessage(jid: string, content: IInteractiveMessageContent, options: MessageGenerationOptionsFromContent | {} = {});
ctx.replyInteractiveMessage(content: IInteractiveMessageContent, options: MessageGenerationOptionsFromContent | {} = {});

/* same with bot.command but without prefix */
bot.hears('test', async(ctx) => ctx.reply('test 1 2 3 beep boop...'));

/* will be triggered when someone sends a sticker message */
import { MessageType } from "@mengkodingan/ckptw";
bot.hears(MessageType.stickerMessage, async(ctx) => ctx.reply('wow, cool sticker'));

/* add react */
ctx.react(jid: string, emoji: string, key?: WAProto.IMessageKey);
ctx.react(, "👀");

/* get the bot ready at timestamp */

/* get the current jid */ // string
ctx.decodedId // string 

/* get the array of arguments used */
ctx.args // Array<string>

/* get sender details */

/* get quoted */

/* get the message type */

/* get content type */
ctx.getContentType(content: WAProto.IMessage | undefined)

/* download content from message */
ctx.downloadContentFromMessage(downloadable: DownloadableMessage, type: MediaType, opts?: MediaDownloadOptions)

/* read the message */

/* simulate typing or recording state */

/* change the client about/bio */"Hi there!");

/* fetch someone about/bio */
await bot.fetchBio("[email protected]");

/* block and unblock */
await bot.block("[email protected]");
await bot.unblock("[email protected]");

/* get device */
ctx.getDevice() // get the user device

/* check whether the chat is a group */

/* accessing @whiskeysockets/baileys objects */