
Markdownipy is a Python library to generate markdown files easily!

MIT License



Markdownipy is a Python library to generate markdown files using only two operators and some helpers

Markdownipy can be used in jupyter notebooks to generate markdown outputs in python cells or inside any .py file, see below for examples

<(lower than operator) writes text to markdown file, |(pipe operator) just gives property to the text

Even this README file is genereted by markdownipy!

Checkout example file


Lately, I'm trying to write markdown documentations for different codes and I needed to put some specs, numbers etc. so just copy-paste some tables, links. I was trying to change some predefined strings to speed up my writing process, yet instead of text manipulation I just wanted to make it as a library.

Sometimes I also forget markdown syntax, so this library requires no memory (I hope so, there is even no function calls) :)

Only requirement is remembering the properties of markdownipy and the rest will be handled


pip install markdownipy

Quick start - example Jupyter cell

from markdownipy import markdownipy
from IPython.display import display,Markdown

md = markdownipy.markdownipy()

md < "hello there" | md.bold

md < "This should be a italic text" | md.italic

See the example jupter notebook output: Example jupyter file

Quick start - example Python code

from markdownipy import markdownipy
md = markdownipy.markdownipy()

#Simple line
md < "Hello there!"

#Bold text, numbers are also allowed
md < 3.14159 | md.bold

#Italic text
md < "Above bold text is just some digits of pi" | md.italic

#One line code and codeblock

md < "One line code " | md.code
md < '''
void markdownipy_helper(int x, int y, int z):
	return x*y*z
''' | md.codeb("cpp")

md < ["Item1","Item2","Item3"]

md < {
	"Age" : [30,48,73]

#E-mail, links
md < "[email protected]" |
md < "[email protected]" |"My mail")

md < "./markdownipy_logo.png" | md.image

#Writing to a file, README or both works!
#Even md >> sys.stdout prints the whole markdown document
md >> "README"

Library keywords

This table is the whole documentation of markdownipy! (Assuming md is the markdown object in python)

Keywords Explanation Markdown equivalent
md.bold Bold text __text__
md.italic Italic text _text_
md.strike Strikethrough text ~~text~~
md.code For single line code code
md.codeb Code fence, takes optional arg as language name ```code``` or Link text [link_name(optional)](link)
md.hline Horizontal line ---
md.chapter Chapter Chapter_name\n===
md.h1 Header level 1 # Header1
md.h2 Header level 2 ## Header2
md.h3 Header level 3 ### Header3
md.h4 Header level 4 #### Header4
md.h5 Header level 5 ##### Header5
md.h6 Header level 6 ###### Header6
md.image or md.image(image_name) Image insertion ![image_name(optional)](image_path)
md.task Task entry in a list [ ] text
md.task_check Checked task entry in a list [x] text
object | md.keyword Pipes the above defined line property keywords to the object
md < object Adds any object to document (str,dict,list,numbers etc.)
md > file_name Writes document to a file
md > stdout Prints the document to console
md.print() Returns the markdown document as string
md.clear() Clears the markdown document


md < "This is a chapter" | md.chapter
md < "This is header1" | md.h1
md < "This is header2" | md.h2
md < "This is header3" | md.h3
md < "This is header4" | md.h4
md < "This is header5" | md.h5
md < "This is header6" | md.h6

Output :

This is a chapter

This is header1

This is header2

This is header3

This is header4

This is header5
This is header6

Bold, italic, strikethrough texts

md < "This should be a bold text" | md.bold
md < "This is an italic text" | md.italic
md < "Strikethrough is banned"  | md.strike

Output :

This should be a bold text

This is an italic text

Strikethrough is banned


md < [
	"Classical mechanics" | md.bold,
		"Newton's law of motion",
		"Lagrangian Mechanics"
	"Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics" | md.italic,
	"Electromagnetism and photonics",
	"Relativistic mechanics",
	"Quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and molecular physics",
		"*", #For dot bullet put bullet type
		"Schrödinger equation",
		"Quantum field theory",
			"Lists can be nested :)",
			"This is another liner",
				"Oh this is getting serious" | md.strike,
				"And now bunch of numbers",
				"Now another item"
		"Quantum statistical mechanics"
	"Optics and acoustics",
	"Condensed matter physics",
	"High-energy particle physics and nuclear physics",

Output :

  1. Classical mechanics

    1. Newton's law of motion

    2. Lagrangian Mechanics

  2. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

  3. Electromagnetism and photonics

  4. Relativistic mechanics

  5. Quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and molecular physics

    • Schrödinger equation

    • Quantum field theory

      1. Lists can be nested :)

      2. This is another liner

        1. Oh this is getting serious

        2. And now bunch of numbers

          1. 3.1415

          2. 2.7176

          3. 99999

          4. 88888

        3. Now another item

    • Quantum statistical mechanics

  6. Optics and acoustics

  7. Condensed matter physics

  8. High-energy particle physics and nuclear physics


md < {
	"Name" : ["Albert", "Paul" | md.bold, "Richard"],
	"Surname" : ["Einstein" | md.italic, "Dirac" , "Feynman" | md.italic],

Output :

Name Surname
Albert Einstein
Paul Dirac
Richard Feynman


md < "" |"Markdownipy website")

Output :

Markdownipy website


md < ("markdownipy_logo.png" | md.image("Image name"))

Output :

Single line Quote

md << ("With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" | md.quote)

Output :

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Task lists

md < ["-", 
	"Take the key" | md.bold | md.task,
	"Cat food" | md.bold | md.task_check

Output :

  • Take the key

  • Cat food