
Debugging utility using environment regex, matches node core's debugging technique

MIT License


Node Debug

Debugging utility using environment regex, matches node core’s debugging technique


npm install @ahmadnassri/debug


Follows the exact same behaviour as util.debuglog with some minor differences:

  • checks for both DEBUG and NODE_DEBUG environment variables
  • checks environment variables every time debuglog() is called (vs. on require/ import)
  • regex matching in the environment variables
  • no global caching (you can change the behaviour every time debuglog() is called)
  • optionally include performance time in output
  • optionally include process id in output

debug(section, options)

Option Type Description Default
section <string> The section name
logger <Function> Custom logger function console.debug
pid <boolean> Include process id in output true
perf <boolean> Include performance time in output false

Returns: <Function> The logging function

The debuglog() method is used to create a function that conditionally writes debug messages to stderr based on the existence of the DEBUG or NODE_DEBUG environment variables. If the section name appears within the value of that environment variable, then the returned function operates similar to console.debug(). If not, then the returned function is a no-op.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
DEBUG A comma-separated list of section names to enable
NODE_DEBUG A comma-separated list of section names to enable
DEBUG_COLORS Enable/disable colors in output (will also respect Node's NO_COLORS & NODE_DISABLE_COLORS)
DEBUG_PERF Include/exclude performance time in output (⚠️ will overwrite perf option)
DEBUG_PID Include/exclude process id in output (⚠️ will overwrite pid option)
const debuglog = require('@ahmadnassri/debug')
const debug = debuglog('foo')

debug('hello from foo [%d]', 123)

If this program is run with DEBUG=foo or NODE_DEBUG=foo in the environment, then it will output something like:

FOO 3245: hello from foo [123]

where 3245 is the process id. If it is not run with that environment variable set, then it will not print anything.

Multiple Sections

Multiple section names may be specified in the environment variable, separated by commas, or spaces.


Regex Matching

section names in the environment variable, can also be a regex string:

const debuglog = require('@ahmadnassri/debug')
const primary = debuglog('foo:primary')
const secondary = debuglog('foo:secondary')

primary('primary logger')
secondary('secondary logger')
$ NODE_DEBUG=foo:.* node app.js

FOO:PRIMARY 28382 primary logger
FOO:SECONDARY 28382 secondary logger
Get Fancy
$ DEBUG="(F|O)+:.*" node app.js

FOO:PRIMARY 28274 primary logger
FOO:SECONDARY 28274 secondary logger

remove PID

const debuglog = require('@ahmadnassri/debug')
const debug = debuglog('foo', { pid: false })

debug('hello from foo [%d]', 123)
FOO: hello from foo [123]

add Performance Time

const debuglog = require('@ahmadnassri/debug')
const debug = debuglog('foo', { perf: true })

debug('hello from foo [%d]', 123)
FOO 3245 (65ms) hello from foo [123] +0ms

Disable Colors

$ DEBUG_COLORS=0 node app.js

Disable Performance Time

$ DEBUG_PERF=0 node app.js

Author: Ahmad Nassri • Twitter: @AhmadNassri