
A Phaser 3 plugin for smooth UI enter/exit transitions.



A UI transitions plugin for Phaser 3. This plugin essentialy provides a simple wrapper for some complex tweens that move UI components into and out of the scene. Each transition can also be used declaratively if you prefer not to pollute your scene with excessive plugins.


  • Smooth transitions for moving UI components on and off the screen
  • Simple config options for light customization
  • Abstracts away repetitive and/or complex tweens
  • Easily extensible via the BaseTransition class


npm install --save phaser3-transitions


import Phaser from 'phaser';
import TransitionsPlugin from 'phaser3-transitions';

const gameConfig = {
    type: Phaser.WEBGL,
    parent: 'game-container',
    width: 400,
    height: 600,
    scene: [
    plugins: {
        scene: [
                key: 'transitions', 
                mapping: 'transitions',
                plugin: TransitionsPlugin

const game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);


Slide in from the left, slide out to the bottom.

import TransitionsPlugin 'phaser3-transitions';

//In your create() function
function create(){
    //The transition will return the sprites to their original positions
    let sprite1 = this.add.sprite(100, 100, 'menuItem');
    let sprite2 = this.add.sprite(100, 200, 'menuItem');
    let sprite3 = this.add.sprite(100, 300, 'menuItem');
	let sprites = [sprite1, sprite2, sprite3]; //etc.
    let config = {
    	type: 'slide',
        duration: 500,
   		enterFrom: 'left',
        exitTo: 'bottom'

	let slide = this.transitions.create(sprites, config);
    //This will slide all the objects in and then immediately exit
   	slide.enter().then(() => {

Fade into place, fade AND slide out to the top.

import TransitionsPlugin 'phaser3-transitions';

//In your create() function
function create(){
    //The transition will return the sprites to their original positions
    let sprite1 = this.add.sprite(100, 100, 'menuItem');
    let sprite2 = this.add.sprite(100, 200, 'menuItem');
    let sprite3 = this.add.sprite(100, 300, 'menuItem');
	let sprites = [sprite1, sprite2, sprite3]; //etc.
    let enterConfig = {
    	type: 'Fade', //not case sensitive
    let exitConfig = {
    	type: 'FadeSlide',
        exitTo: 'top'

	let enterTransitions = this.transitions.create(sprites, enterConfig);
    let exitTransition = this.transitions.create(sprites, exitConfig);
    //This will fade all the objects in and then immediately exit
   	enterTransition.enter().then(() => {

Plugin API


The TransitionsPlugin is a factory class which creates transitions for you. Each transition extends the BaseTransition class and is essentially a wrapper over top of a (sometimes) complex tween. This plugin also has some ease-of-use methods for quick transitions when your transition are simple.

transitions.register(key, transitionClass)

Adds a transition class to the plugin's dictionary. A transition class must extend BaseTransition and be registered if it is not already one of the default classes.

Param Type Description
key String The key by which the transition can be referenced
transitionClass BaseTransition A class which extends the BaseTransition class

transitions.create(targets, config) ⇒ BaseTransition

Creates a new transition based on the given config

Returns: BaseTransition - - A transition class extending BaseTransition

Param Type Description
targets Array The targets for this transition. These cannot be changed once the transition is created.
config Object Settings for the transition
config.type String A key to one of the default transitions, which currently includes any of the following: "Fade", "Slide", "Grow", "Explode", or "FadeSlide". See the class descriptions for more info about each transition.

transitions.enter(targets, config) ⇒ Promise

Creates and starts a new enter transition

Returns: Promise - - Returns a promise which resolves when the transition is complete

Param Type Description
targets Array The GameObject targets to transition
config Object Settings for the transition. Must contain a transition-type key, but can also contain other config settings for the given transition type.
config.type String The transition key

transitions.exit(targets, config) ⇒ Promise

Creates and starts a new exit transition

Returns: Promise - - Returns a promise which resolves when the transition is complete

Param Type Description
targets Array The GameObject targets to transition
config Object Settings for the transition. Must contain a transition-type key, but can also contain other config settings for the given transition type.
config.type String The transition key

Transition Classes


The BaseTransition class implements the tweens defined in it's child classes. This class cannot be used directly as a transition, but it's methods (namely enter() and exit()) are called to initiate transitions. None of the BaseTransition methods generally need to be overridden.

new BaseTransition(params)

Param Type Description
params Object The config object
params.scene Phaser.Scene The parent scene
params.targets Array The target objects for the transition
params.defaults Object The default config options for this transition
params.config Object The user-defined config object, which is merged with the defaults (if provided)
params.enterConfig function A function which returns the tween config for the enter tween
params.exitConfig function A function which returns the tween config for the exit tween
params.affectedProps Array.<String> An array listing the props which are affected by this transition. This list is used to cache and reset those props when resetProps() is called.


Update the configuration for this transition. Any unset properties will be resolved to their defaults or settings from a previously set configuration.

Param Type Description
config Object An object defining transition configurations, such as duration, chain, etc.

baseTransition.resetProps(targets, cachedProps)

Returns each target object to it's initial state before either enter() or exit() was called.

Param Type Description
targets Array An array of GameObject targets
cachedProps Array An array of props generated by _cacheProps()

baseTransition.enter([userConfig]) ⇒ Promise

Starts the enter transition

Returns: Promise - - A promise which resolves when the transition's tween is complete

Param Type Description
[userConfig] Object A new config object for on-the-fly changes

baseTransition.exit([userConfig]) ⇒ Promise

Starts the exit transition

Returns: Promise - - A promise which resolves when the transition's tween is complete

Param Type Description
[userConfig] Object A new config object for on-the-fly changes

new FadeTransition(scene, targets, [config])

This transition tweens the alpha property of it's targets, fading object each into or out of view.

Param Type Default Description
scene Phaser.Scene null The parent scene
targets Array null An array of game objects to be included in this transition
[config] Object FadeTransition.Defaults The config object. Defaults will be used if not provided
[config.duration] Number 500 The duration of this transition
[config.chain] Bool false When true, each object will enter individually with overlap determined by the offset setting
[config.offset] String 80% of duration The amount of overlap (in ms) between transitions when chain is set to true, using this format: "-=500", "+=500", etc.
[config.fuzz] Number 0 A number between 0 and 1 which adds randomness to the duration of this transition

new SlideTransition(scene, targets, [config])

The SlideTransition slides it's targets in and out of the scene based on the directions specified via enterFrom and exitTo. The following properties are affected: x, y

Param Type Default Description
scene Phaser.Scene null The parent scene
targets Array null An array of game objects to be included in this transition
[config] Object SlideTransition.Defaults The config object. Defaults will be used if not provided.
[config.duration] Number 500 The duration of this transition
[config.chain] Bool false When true, each object will enter individually with overlap determined by the offset setting
[config.offset] String 80% of duration The amount of overlap (in ms) between transitions when chain is set to true, using this format: "-=500", "+=500", etc.
[config.fuzz] Number 0 A number between 0 and 1 which adds randomness to the duration of this transition
[config.enterFrom] String 'left' The direction from which the transition will enter. Valid options include: "left", "right", "top", and "bottom"
[config.exitTo] String 'right' The direction from which the transition will exit. Valid options include: "left", "right", "top", and "bottom"

new GrowTransition(scene, targets, [config])

The GrowTransition scales each object up from zero in place (as opposed to the ExplodeTransition which moves from the center out but also scales it's objects). The following properties are affected: scaleX, scaleY

Param Type Default Description
scene Phaser.Scene The parent scene
targets Array An array of game objects to be included in this transition
[config] Object SlideTransition.Defaults The config object. Defaults will be used if not provided.
[config.duration] Number 500 The duration of this transition
[config.chain] Bool false When true, each object will enter individually with overlap determined by the offset setting
[config.offset] String 80% of duration The amount of overlap (in ms) between transitions when chain is set to true, using this format: "-=500", "+=500", etc.
[config.fuzz] Number 0 A number between 0 and 1 which adds randomness to the duration of this transition

new ExplodeTransition(scene, targets, [config])

The ExplodeTransition scales each object up from zero while sliding out from the center. The following properties are affected: alpha, scaleX, scaleY, x, y

Param Type Default Description
scene Phaser.Scene The parent scene
targets Array An array of game objects to be included in this transition
[config] Object ExplodeTransition.Defaults The config object. Defaults will be used if not provided.
[config.duration] Number 500 The duration of this transition
[config.chain] Bool false When true, each object will enter individually with overlap determined by the offset setting
[config.offset] String 80% of duration The amount of overlap (in ms) between transitions when chain is set to true, using this format: "-=500", "+=500", etc.
[config.fuzz] Number 0 A number between 0 and 1 which adds randomness to the duration of this transition

new SlideFadeTransition(scene, targets, [config])

A combination of the Slide and Fade transitions. The following properties are affected: alpha, x, y

Param Type Default Description
scene Phaser.Scene The parent scene
targets Array An array of game objects to be included in this transition
[config] Object SlideFadeTransition.Defaults The config object. Defaults will be used if not provided.
[config.duration] Number 500 The duration of this transition
[config.chain] Bool false When true, each object will enter individually with overlap determined by the offset setting
[config.offset] String 80% of duration The amount of overlap (in ms) between transitions when chain is set to true, using this format: "-=500", "+=500", etc.
[config.fuzz] Number 0 A number between 0 and 1 which adds randomness to the duration of this transition
[config.enterFrom] String 'bottom' The direction from which the transition will enter. Valid options include: "left", "right", "top", and "bottom"
[config.exitTo] String 'top' The direction from which the transition will exit. Valid options include: "left", "right", "top", and "bottom"

Using Declaratively

You can bypass the plugin altogether and use each transition class declaratively if you wish. You can import any of the transition classes directly.

import { SlideTransition } from 'phaser3-transitions';

function create(){
  	//The transition will return the sprites to their original positions
    let sprite1 = this.add.sprite(100, 100, 'menuItem');
    let sprite2 = this.add.sprite(100, 200, 'menuItem');
    let sprite3 = this.add.sprite(100, 300, 'menuItem');
	let sprites = [sprite1, sprite2, sprite3]; //etc.
    //You can omit the 'type' property when creating transition directly
    let config = {
        duration: 500,
   		enterFrom: 'left',
        exitTo: 'bottom'
    //PARAMS: Scene, Targets, Config
    let slide = new SlideTransition(this, targets, config);

Custom Transitions

This section also coming soon...