
Phaser Editor basic scripts, included in every project.

MIT License


Basic Phaser Editor script nodes

Warning: This project is deprecated. It is now part of the @phaserjs/editor-scripts-quick library.

This project contains the main scripts to use with a Phaser Editor project.

It includes the basic script nodes and user components, especially, the ScriptNode and UserComponent classes.

These script nodes are very basic and may fit on any Phaser Editor project.

The scripts are coded in TypeScript with ES modules.

Installing (NPM)

Install this package in your game:

npm install @phaserjs/editor-scripts-core

Also, you should add this package to the phasereditor2d.config.json file in your project, in the scripts section:

    "scripts": ["@phaserjs/editor-scripts-core"]

Installing (vanilla JS)

  • Get the files in the browser folder and copy them into your JavaScript project. It includes Phaser Editor files, JavaScript files, and TypeScript type definitions.
  • Add a script tag to the index.html file to load the lib/phaserjs_editor_scripts_core.js file.


There are three groups of scripts: Base, Event, and Action.

User components

This package provides a couple of general-purpose user components. Including the UserComponent class, which is the base class for all user components.

  • UserComponent - it is a class you can use as the base class for your user components.
  • Action Target - it provides information to script nodes about what object is the target of an action.
  • Assignment Operator - to specify an operator (=, +=, or =) in the context of an assignment script-like action.

Base scripts

Contains basic/abstract functionality. Often, you will create prefab variants of them (extend them).

  • ScriptNode - the base class for all the scripts.
  • Sprite Base Script - base prefab for script nodes accessing sprite objects.
  • Root Base Script - a script node that registers itself into the game object and can be used as a container of other scripts.

Event scripts

These scripts listen to certain events. When the event is emitted, then executes the children, which are actions.

  • On General Event - registers to the given eventEmitter and listens to the given eventName event.
  • On Awake Event - listens to the scene-awake event of the scene.
  • On Pointer Down Event - listens to the pointerdown event of the game object.

Action scripts

Actions are scripts that are executed manually or by other nodes, like triggers or other actions.

  • Callback Action - executes the given callback expression.
  • Start Scene Action - starts the given sceneKey scene.
  • Exec Action - executes the given targetAction.
  • Emit Event Action - the given eventEmitter emits the given eventName.
  • Alert Action - shows the browser's alert dialog, with the given message.
  • Console Log Action - logs the given message to the browser's console.
  • Destroy Action - destroys the game object.
  • Add To Parent Action - adds the game object to the given parent.
  • Exec Random Action - executes a random child node.
  • Exec Children Action - executes all children nodes.
  • Play Sprite Animation - plays the given sprite animation.
  • Set Angle Action - sets the angle to the game object.
  • Set Scale X/Y Action - set the X or Y of the game object's scale.
  • Set X/Y Action - set the scale X/Y of the game object's position.
  • Set Flip Action - flips the game object vertically or horizontally.
  • Spawn Object Action - spawns an object in the world.

Target Action component

This user component is a hint to the action-like script nodes about what object is the target of the action. The possible targets are the game object of the script node (the default), or any of the arguments of the execute(...) method of the action.

The *Target property of the component allows these values: GAME_OBJECT (default), ARG_1, ARG_2, ARG_3, etc...

If you are implementing a custom action script, you may want to look into the Target Action component to determine the object to receive the action. This is an example:

class MyAction {

    execute(...args: any[]) {

        const obj = TargetActionComp.getActionTarget(this, args);


Assignment Operator component

There are script actions about to set a value to the game object. Like the case of the Set X Action. With the Assignment Operator, you can specify the operator to use in the assignment: =, +=, or *=.


The base of all the scripts. Probably it is already available in your project (if you generated it with Phaser Editor).

This class provides methods for managing the node's children, and implementing the scene events: awake, start, and update.

Sprite Base Script

A base script for all the scripts accessing sprite objects. It just overrides the gameObject property and sets its type to Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite. This helps IDE auto-completion and type-checking.

Root Base Script

A base script that you can use to register the script node into the game object. In this way you can access the scripts associated to a game object.

When you create a RootScript, it registers itself to the game object in this way:

gameObject["RootScript__scripts"] = this;

You can use the key parameter to register the root script node using another attribute. If the key parameter is "anotherScripts", then it registers the root node like this:

gameObject["RootScript__anotherScripts"] = this;

The RootScript class contains utility methods for accessing the root script of a game object.

The static getRoot() method can be used for getting the root script:

const script = RootScript.getRoot(someGameObject);
const otherScript = RootScript.getRoot(someGameObject, "anotherScripts");

The static hasRoot() method tells if the game object is a root script:

if (RootScript.hasRoot(gameObject, "myScripts")) {

The static getChildren() method returns the children of the root script:

const children = RootScript.getChildren(gameObject, "myScripts");

You can create variants of the RootScript and use different keys.

On General Event

An event script node. It registers to the given eventEmitter and listens to the given `eventName``. When the event is fired, it executes the children's action nodes.

You can create handy prefab variants for different events, like the On Pointer Down Event prefab.

You can select an eventEmitter from the following list:

  • game.events
  • scene.events
  • scene.loader
  • scene.input
  • scene.input.keyboard
  • scene.anims
  • gameObject (by default)


An event script. It is a prefab variant of the On General Event node. It listens to the pointerdown event of the game object and executes the children's action nodes.

If the game object's input is not set when the scene "awakes", then this script calls the gameObject.setInteractive() method.

Callback Action

An action script. It executes the given callback expression. You can use this script for executing custom methods from your prefabs or scenes.

Start Scene Action

An action script. It starts the given sceneKey scene.

Exec Action

An action script. It executes the given targetAction. You can use this script for executing an action node from the script tree.

For example, let's say you have a JumpAction for jumping a character. But you want to call this action when different events are fired:

  • When you click a jump button.
  • When you press the SPACE key.
  • When you press the UP button of an external gamepad.

So, you can use different ExecActionScript nodes in different contexts, but referencing the same JumpAction node.

Emit Event Action

An action script. It calls the emit method of the given eventEmitter with the given eventName. As an argument of the event, it uses the argument received in the execute() method.

Like in the OnEventScript, you can select an eventEmitter from a list:

  • game.events
  • scene.events
  • scene.loader
  • scene.input
  • scene.input.keyboard
  • scene.anims
  • gameObject (by default)

Alert Action

An action script that shows the given message in the browser's Alert dialog.

Console Log Action

An action script that logs the given message in the browser's console.

Destroy Action

An action script that destroys the game object.

Add To Parent Action

This action adds the game object to the given Parent Container.

This action allows the Action Target Config component.

Exec Random Action

This action picks a random child and executes it.

Exec Children Action

This action executes all children nodes.

Play Sprite Animation

The action plays the given Animation Key in the game object. You can set the Ignore If Playing parameter.

This action allows the Action Target Config component.

Set Angle Action

An action to set the given Angle to the game object.

This action allows the Action Target Config component.

Set Scale X/Y Action

An action to set the given X or Y to the game object.

This action allows the Action Target Config component.

Set Flip Action

An action to set flip the game object. It looks into the Flip Vertical and Flip Horizontal properties.

This action allows the Action Target Config component.

Spawn Object Action

This action creates an instance of the given Object Prefab and adds it to the world. If the Spawn In Parent Position parameter is checked, then it sets the position of the new object to the same position as the script's game object.

Finally, it executes the children nodes and passes the new object as the first argument.

This action allows the Action Target Config component.