
Symfony bundle for moneyphp library

MIT License



Symfony integration of the library. For more information on how the MoneyPHP library works, please refer to its official documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Install
  2. Currencies
  3. Formatting
  4. Parsing
  5. Currency Conversion
  6. Data Transfer Object
  7. Other Integrations
  8. License


This bundle is compatible with PHP 8.1 and above, as well as Symfony versions 5.4 and later.

 $ composer require yceruto/money-bundle

If you are not using symfony/flex, make sure to add the bundle to the config/bundles.php file. This will ensure that it is correctly registered and can be used in your application.


Applications often require a specific subset of currencies from different data sources. To facilitate this, you can implement the Money\Currencies interface, which provides a list of available currencies and the subunit for each currency.

The following currencies classes are available as services:

  • Money\Currencies\Currencies (alias for AggregateCurrencies)
  • Money\Currencies\CurrencyList
  • Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies
  • Money\Currencies\BitcoinCurrencies
  • Money\Currencies\CryptoCurrencies

The Currencies interface is an alias for the Money\Currencies\AggregateCurrencies service, which comes with default currency providers.

The providers are injected into the AggregateCurrencies service in the specified order. If you want to add more providers, you need to implement the Money\Currencies interface and tag the service with money.currencies.

The Money\Currencies\CurrencyList provider retrieves the currencies from the money configuration:

# config/packages/money.yaml
        FOO: 2

The list consists of pairs of currency codes (strings) and subunits (integers). You can also use this configuration to override the subunit for Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies.

In many cases, you may not know the exact currency that you will be formatting or parsing. For these scenarios, we have provided an aggregate formatter and parser service that allows you to configure multiple formatters/parsers and then choose the most appropriate one based on the value. You can find more information about this in the Formatting and Parsing section.


Money formatters can be helpful when you need to display a monetary value in a specific format. They allow you to convert a money object into a human-readable string, making it easier to present financial data to users. By using formatters, you can ensure that the money values you display are clear and easy to understand.

The following formatter classes are available as services:

  • Money\Formatter\MoneyFormatter (alias for AggregateMoneyFormatter)
  • Money\Formatter\IntMoneyFormatter (default if Intl extension is enabled)
  • Money\Formatter\IntLocalizedMoneyFormatter (available if Intl is enabled)
  • Money\Formatter\DecimalMoneyFormatter (default if Intl extension is disabled)
  • Money\Formatter\BitcoinMoneyFormatter (available for XBT currency code)

You can use the Money\MoneyFormatter interface as a dependency for any service because it is an alias for the Money\Formatter\AggregateMoneyFormatter service, and it comes with default formatters.

Use the following configuration to set default values for the current formatters:

# config/packages/money.yaml
            number_locale: 'en_US'
            number_style: 2 # \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY
            number_pattern: null
            fraction_digits: 8

During a Symfony request, the money formatter will consider the current request locale when formatting the money object. This ensures that the formatted output is localized and suitable for the user's location.

To register a custom formatter, you will need to implement the Money\MoneyFormatter interface and tag the service with money.formatter and the currency code attribute that the formatter supports. This will allow you to use your custom formatter to format monetary values in a specific currency. If your new formatter supports any currency, you can set the code attribute to *. This will allow the formatter to be used for any currency.


Money parsers can help automate the process of extracting monetary value from text, making it more efficient and accurate.

The following parser classes are available as services:

  • Money\Parser\MoneyParser (alias for AggregateMoneyParser)
  • Money\Parser\IntMoneyParser (default if Intl extension is enabled)
  • Money\Parser\IntLocalizedDecimalParser (available if Intl is enabled)
  • Money\Parser\DecimalMoneyParser (default if Intl extension is disabled)
  • Money\Parser\BitcoinMoneyParser (available for XBT currency code)

You can use the Money\MoneyParser interface as a dependency for any service because it is an alias for the Money\Parser\AggregateMoneyParser service, and it comes with default parsers.

To register a custom parser, you should implement the Money\MoneyParser interface and tag the service with money.parser. This will enable you to use your custom parser to parse monetary values from a given text.

Currency Conversion

To convert a Money instance from one currency to another, you need to use the Money\Converter service. This class relies on the Currencies and Exchange services. The Exchange service returns a CurrencyPair, which represents a combination of the base currency, counter currency, and the conversion ratio.

The following exchange classes are available as services:

  • Money\Exchange (alias for FixedExchange)
  • Money\Exchange\FixedExchange
  • Money\Exchange\IndirectExchange
  • Money\Exchange\ReversedCurrenciesExchange

In some cases, you may want the Money\Converter service to also resolve the reverse of a given CurrencyPair if the original cannot be found. To add this capability, you can inject the Converter $reversedConverter argument, which is an alias for money.reversed_converter service. If a reverse CurrencyPair can be found, it is used as a divisor of 1 to calculate the reverse conversion ratio.

To configure the Money\Exchange\FixedExchange service, you can use the following configuration:

# config/packages/money.yaml
                USD: '1.10'

Note: Integration with third-party services like Swap and Exchanger is currently outside the scope of this bundle.

Data Transfer Object

By design, the Money\Money value object is immutable, which means that it is not possible to change the original amount and currency values after it is created. To address this, this bundle provides a DTO model called MoneyDto that can be used in various situations, such as user inputs, API requests, form handling, validation, etc. This model allows you to modify the amount and currency values, which can be useful in scenarios where you need to change these values before creating a new Money\Money instance.

$dto = new MoneyDto(); // default null for amount and currency properties
$dto = MoneyDto::fromMoney(Money::EUR(100)); // returns a new DTO instance
$dto = MoneyDto::fromAmount(100); // default EUR currency
$dto = MoneyDto::fromCurrency('USD'); // default 0 amount

$money = $dto->toMoney(); // returns a new Money\Money instance

Other Integrations


The Symfony MoneyType will be updated to derive the scale and divisor options from the currency value:

$formBuilder->add('price', MoneyType::class, ['currency' => 'CUP'])

Contrary to typical usage, it is not supposed to work directly with the Money\Money object. Instead, it expects a numeric property to be associated with this form field.

You can disable this integration by modifying the configuration:

# config/packages/money.yaml
        enabled: false


If you have installed twig/twig as your template engine, you can use the Twig filter provided to format your money objects directly in any template page:

{{ money|money_format }}

It will follow the same behavior as the Money\Formatter\MoneyFormatter service.

You can disable this integration by modifying the configuration:

# config/packages/money.yaml
        enabled: false


Doctrine allows you to map an embedded object to a database column using the Embedded attribute and this bundle provides the Money\Money ORM mapping definitions for use with the Doctrine bundle, if it is enabled. This means that you can use Doctrine's entity manager to persist and retrieve your entities with the embedded money values, without having to manually configure the ORM mappings. This can simplify your development process and allow you to focus on other aspects of your application:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Embedded;
use Money\Money;

class Product
    private Money $price;

Important: To ensure proper processing of the Money\Money mapping, it is important to register this bundle in bundles.php before registering the DoctrineBundle.

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Yceruto\MoneyBundle\MoneyBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

You can also use the fields of embedded classes that have been mapped using Doctrine in DQL (Doctrine Query Language) queries. These can be used just as if they were declared in the Product class itself:

SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.price.amount > 1000 AND p.price.currency.code = 'EUR' 

You can disable this integration by modifying the configuration:

# config/packages/money.yaml
        enabled: false


This software is published under the MIT License