
Code for the paper Data-to-Text Generation with Iterative Text Editing

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Data-to-Text Generation with Iterative Text Editing

The code for generating text from RDF triples by iteratively applying sentence fusion on the templates.

A description of the method can be found in:

Zdenk Kasner & Ondej Duek (2020): Data-to-Text Generation with Iterative Text Editing. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2020).

Model Overview


  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download the datasets and models:
  1. Run an experiment on the WebNLG dataset with default settings including preprocessing the data, training the model, decoding the data and evaluating the results:
./run.sh webnlg

Implementation notes

This branch contains the code for replicating the experiments described in the paper. The code works with the original implementation of LaserTagger and BERT in Tensorflow 1.15. However, the implementation is now somehow obsolete and less flexible.

If you wish to extend this implementation, you may be interested in the version implemented in PyTorch Lightning, which is in the torch branch.

Usage Instructions


  • Python 3 & pip
  • packages
    • Tensorflow 1.15* (GPU version recommended)
    • PyTorch Transformers
    • see requirements.txt for the full list

All packages can be installed using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Select tensorflow-1.15 instead of tensorflow-1.15-gpu if you wish not to use the GPU.


All datasets and models can be downloaded using the command:


The following lists the dependencies (datasets, models and external repositiories) downloaded by the script. The script does not re-download the dependencies which are already located in their respective path.


External Repositories

  • LaserTagger - fork of the original LaserTagger implementation featuring a few changes necessary for integration with the model
  • E2E Metrics - a set of evaluation metrics used in the E2E Challenge


  • BERT - original TensorFlow implementation from Google (utilized by LaserTagger)
  • (+ LMScorer requires GPT-2; downloaded automatically by the transformers package)

Pipeline Overview

The pipeline involves four steps:

  1. preprocessing the data-to-text datasets for the sentence fusion task
  2. training the sentence fusion model
  3. running the decoding algorithm
  4. evaluating the results

All steps can be run separately by following the instructions below, or all at once using the script

./run.sh <experiment>

where <experiment> can be one of:

  • webnlg - train and evaluate on the WebNLG dataset
  • e2e - train and evaluate on the E2E dataset
  • df-webnlg - train on DiscoFuse and evaluate on WebNLG (zero shot domain adaptation)
  • df-e2e - train on DiscoFuse and evaluate on E2E (zero shot domain adaptation)


Preprocessing involves parsing the original data-to-text datasets and extracting examples for training the sentence fusion model.

Example of using the preprocessing script:

# preprocessing the WebNLG dataset in the full mode
python3 preprocess.py \
    --dataset "WebNLG" \
    --input "datasets/webnlg/data/v1.4/en/" \
    --mode "full" \
    --splits "train" "test" "dev" \
    --lms_device "cpu"

Things you may want to consider:

  • The mode for selecting the lexicalizations (--mode) can be set to full, best_tgt or best. The modes are described in the supplementary material of the paper.
    • The default mode is full and runs on CPU.
    • Modes best_tgt and best use the LMScorer and can use GPU (--lms_device gpu).
  • The templates for the predicates are included in the repository. In order to re-generate simple templates for WebNLG and double templates for E2E, use the flag --force_generate_templates. However, note that double templates for E2E have been manually denoised (the generated version will not be identical to the one used in the experiments).
  • Using a custom dataset based on RDF triples requires editing datasets.py: adding a custom class derived from Dataset and overriding relevant methods. The dataset is then selected with the parameter --dataset using the class name as an argument.


Training generally follows the pipeline for finetuning the LaserTagger model. However, instead of using individual scripts for each step, the training pipeline is encapsulated in train.py.

Example of using the training script:

python3 train.py \
    --dataset "WebNLG" \
    --mode "full" \
    --experiment "webnlg_full" \
    --vocab_size 100 \
    --num_train_steps 10000

Things you may want to consider:

  • The size of the vocabulary determines the number of phrases used by LaserTagger (see the paper for details). The value 100 was used in the final experiments.
  • The wrapper for LaserTagger is implemented in model_tf.py. The wrapper calls the methods from the LaserTagger repository (directory lasertagger_tf) similarly to the original implementation.
  • For debugging, the number of training steps can be lowered e.g. to 100.
  • Parameters --train_only and --export_only can be used to skip other pipeline phases.
  • If you have the correct Tensorflow version (tensorflow-1.15-gpu) but a GPU is not used, check if CUDA libraries were linked correctly.


Once the model is trained, the decoding algorithm is used to generate text from RDF triples. See the top figure and/or the paper for the details on the method.

Example of using the decoding script:

python3 decode.py \
    --dataset "WebNLG" \
    --experiment "webnlg_full" \
    --dataset_dir "datasets/webnlg/data/v1.4/en/" \
    --split "test" \
    --lms_device "cpu" \
    --vocab_size 100

Things you may want to consider:

  • Decoding will be faster if the LMScorer is allowed to run on GPU (--lms_device gpu). Note however this may require a secondary GPU if the GPU is already used for LaserTagger.
  • Output will be stored as out/<experiment>_<vocab_size>_<split>.hyp.
  • Use the flag --use_e2e_double_templates for bootstrapping the decoding process from the templates for pairs of triples in the case of the E2E dataset. The templates for single triples (handcrafted for E2E) are used otherwise.
  • Use the flag --no_export in order to suppress saving the output to the out directory.


The decoded output is evaluated against multiple references using the e2e-metrics package.

Example of using the evaluation script:

python3 evaluate.py \
    --ref_file "data/webnlg/ref/test.ref" \
    --hyp_file "out/webnlg_full_100_test.hyp" \


    title = "Data-to-Text Generation with Iterative Text Editing",
    author = "Kasner, Zden{\v{e}}k  and
      Du{\v{s}}ek, Ond{\v{r}}ej",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation",
    month = dec,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Dublin, Ireland",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.inlg-1.9",
    pages = "60--67"
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