
Plugin for running Appium with pytest

MIT License



pytest-appium is a plugin for pytest that provides support for running Appium based tests.

It is inspired by pytest-selenium

This package has a suite of additional utilities

  • HTML Reports
  • Augment the base Appium driver with additional modular functionality with python mixins.
  • Wait for Appium to be ready
  • pytest.mark.platform
  • Light python builders for Android UiSelector


pip requirements file



    addopts = -p pytest_appium

python test example

    from import UiSelector, UiScrollable
    from pytest_appium.driver.proxy._enums import Direction

    def test_example(appium_extended, platform):
        el = appium_extended.find_element_on_page(
        assert el.text == 'Example'

commandline example

    $(PYTHON_VENV)/bin/py.test \
        $(TEST_PATH) \
        --html=$(REPORT_PATH)/report.html \
        --junitxml=$(REPORT_PATH)/report.xml \
        --variables variables/pytest/android_emulator_local.json \
        --capability app $(APPIUM_APK_PATH)

for more commandline details use pytest --help under the heading appium


HTML reports

pytest-html for Appium tests.

Includes screenshot, page XML and full logcat dumps.

Wait for startup conditions

Orchestration of service startup order is sometimes problematic. On startup we can wait for a varity of conditions. pytest --help for details

                            Type of appium condition to wait for before beginning
                            first test
                            Seconds to wait for an Appium server to become
                            available before raising an error.
  • appium - Waits for the Appium port to become active
  • android_device_available - Trys to send a low level wd api call to launch an Android packagename "NOT-REAL". We know an android device is connected and available if the error message explicitly contains "NOT-REAL".

Example of use in a docker-compose.yml waiting for android device.

      - pytest
      - --appium_host=android-container
      - --appium_wait_for_seconds=90
      - --appium_wait_for_condition=android_device_available

Exampe of use in a bash script waiting for appium service to become active.

    (nohup node $(APPIUM_PATH) $(APPIUM_ARGS) > $(REPORT_FOLDER)/appium.log &)

    _env/bin/py.test \
        tests \
        --appium_host=localhost \
        --appium_wait_for_condition appium \
        --appium_wait_for_seconds 30 \

pytest Markers for platforms

    def test_ios(appium_extended):

    def test_android(appium_extended):

    def test_both_ios_and_android(appium_extended):

Python wrapper for expressing UiSelector syntax in python

Handling long android strings to compose UiSelectors is inflexible. A lightweight UiSelector python builder is provided

    from import UiSelector, UiScrollable

    # Create a UiSelector python builder
    selector = UiSelector().resourceIdMatches('.*filmstrip_list').childSelector(UiSelector().index(1))
    assert str(selector) == 'new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(".*filmstrip_list").childSelector(new UiSelector().index(1))'

    # UiSelector objects can be used directly
    el = self.driver.find_element_by_android_uiautomator(selector)

    # UiSelectors can have segments modified/appended after creation
    assert str(selector) == 'new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(".*filmstrip_list").childSelector(new UiSelector().index(1).childSelector(new UiSelector().className("my_class")))'

Appium Driver Extension Framework

The base Appium python-client driver supports base functions. We sometimes want to add extra functionality to this driver for individual platforms.

We can transparently overlay extra Mixin's over the base driver object. This is available as the pytest fixture appium_extended.

    from pytest_appium.driver.proxy.proxy_mixin import register_proxy_mixin

    class MyAndroidDriverMixin():
        def new_thing(self, text):
            log.debug('my mixin method for android')
            # modify the selector in some cool way
            return self.find_element(*my_cool_selector_with_text)

    class MyIOSDriverMixin():
        def new_thing(self, text):
            log.debug('my mixin method for ios')
            # modify the selector in some cool way
            return self.find_element(*my_cool_selector_with_text)

    def test_my_mixin(appium_extended):
        el = appium_extended.new_thing('text of awesome')

    # The `appium` fixture can be used to get the base `driver` without mixin augmentation.
    def test_my_mixin_without_extension(appium):
        el = appium.new_thing('text of awesome')

Omit the name='platform' argument to allow the mixin to augment all platforms.

Note: dir(appium_extended) will NOT reveal your additional mixin methods. They are invisible. (This could be improved in a future version)

appium_extended Driver Extensions Summary

platform method description
all .platform return a string of the platform name (android, ios)
all .wait_for() wait for element to become visible
all .find_element_safe same as find_element but returns None rather than throw exception
all .get_element_bounds return dict of derived location information of element
all .swipe_element swipe in a direction
all .find_element_on_page swipe up/down left/right looking for an element. Similar to android UiScrollable but platform dependent
android .find_element_by_android_uiautomator accepts UiSelector python objects
android .scroll_to_element_by_android_uiautomator similar to find_element_on_page
android .back, .home, .app_switcher, .background_app send android keycodes
android .wait_for_webview wait for a webview to become active and populated
ios in progress