
Complete Python Appium framework in 360 degree


Python Appium Framework

Complete Python Appium framework in 360 degree


  • Locator strategy
  • Hooks (unittest)
  • Helper methods
  • Database connectivity + SSH Tunneling
  • Screenshot on failure
  • Docker support for Android
  • Handle local storage
  • Bash Runner
  • Slack notify
  • Define environment variable
  • HTML report
  • JSON report
  • Allure report
  • CLI arguments as a fixture (Pytest)
  • In-house data storage
  • Logger
  • Runner (Pytest)
  • Runner percentage with style (Pytest)
  • Parallel Tests (Pytest) x2
  • Re-run failures (Pytest)
  • Test script validation


Install python libraries

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Test Runner

Action Command
Bash runner bash runner/android/
Default python3 -m pytest src/spec/* --app=android
Rerun failures python3 -m pytest src/spec/ --app=android --reruns 1
Parallel Test python3 -m pytest src/spec/ --app=android -v -n2

Docker Run

Android test - x1 run

docker run --privileged -d -p 6080:6080 -p 4723:4723 -p 5554:5554 -p 5555:5555 \ 
-v $(pwd)/data/apps/Android-NativeDemoApp-0.2.1.apk:/root/tmp/Android-NativeDemoApp-0.2.1.apk \
-e DEVICE="Samsung Galaxy S9" -e APPIUM=true --name android-container \

noVnc interface: http://localhost:6080

Test Report

Type Command
HTML Report python3 -m pytest src/spec/android/*.py --html-report=report/report.html --app=android
JSON Report python3 -m pytest src/spec/android/*.py --json=report/json/report.json --app=android
Allure Report python3 -m pytest src/spec/android/* --alluredir=report --app=android

generate allure report

allure serve report/

Wrapper Methods

Methods Usage
element App.element(self, locator)
elements App.elements(self, locactor)
is_displayed App.is_displayed(self, locator)
is_displayed > elements App.is_displayed(self, locator, index=0)
is_exist App.is_exist(self, locator)
is_exist > elements App.is_exist(self, locator, index=0)
tap App.tap(self, locator)
tap > elements App.tap(self, locator, index=0)
double_tap App.double_tap(self, locator)
double_tap > elements App.double_tap(self, locator, index=0)
click, locator)
click > elements, locator, index=0)
swipe App.swipe(self, start=locator, dest=locator)
swipe > elements App.swipe(self, start=(locator, 2), dest=(locator, 1))
send_keys App.send_keys(self, locator, 'text')
send_keys > elements App.send_keys(self, locator, 'text', index=0)
get_screen_size App.get_screen_size(self)
back App.back(self)
close App.close(self)
reset App.reset(self)
launch_app App.send_keys(self, locator, 'text'
tap_by_coordinates App.tap_by_coordinates(self, x=338, y=204)
assert_text App.assert_text(self, 'actual', 'expected')
assert_text > elements App.assert_text(self, 'actual', 'expected', index=0)
assert_size App.assert_size(self, locator, 'more than 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, 'greater than 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, 'above 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, '> 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, 'less than 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, 'below 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, '< 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, 'equal to 1')
App.assert_size(self, locator, '== 1')
assert_boolean App.assert_boolean(True, True)
swipe_until App.swipe_until(self, locator, start_x=144, start_y=434, count=20)