
Python Decoders for Common Remote Access Trojans

MIT License



Malconf is a python3 library that can be used to staticly analyse specific malware families and extract the Configuration data that can be used by Incident Responders during an incident.

As a library it can also be installed in to automated malware analysis pipelines.



There are some pre-reqs that are included in the pip setup and the requirements.txt

  • pefile
  • pbkdf2
  • javaobj-py3
  • pycrypto
  • androguard

For all the decoders you will need yara and yara-python. For dealing with .NET malware you will need to install yara-python with dotnet support

yara-python with dotnet support
git clone --recursive https://github.com/VirusTotal/yara-python
python3 setup.py build --enable-magic --enable-dotnet
sudo python3 setup.py install

Install from pip

pip3 install --upgrade malwareconfig

Install from repo

git clone [email protected]:kevthehermit/RATDecoders.git
cd RATDecoders
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py install

Current Rats

Here is a list of the currently supported RATS:

  • LostDoor
  • Xtreme
  • AAR
  • AdWind
  • Adzok
  • AlienSpy
  • Alina
  • Arcom
  • BlackNix
  • BlackShades
  • BlueBanana
  • Bozok
  • ClientMesh
  • CyberGate
  • DarkComet
  • DarkRAT
  • HawkEye
  • Hrat / hworm / WSH
  • Jbifrost
  • JRat
  • LuminosityLink
  • LuxNet
  • NanoCore
  • NetWire
  • njRat
  • Plasma
  • Remcos
  • Saefko
  • Sakula
  • SpyNote / Mobihook

Upcoming RATS

  • Still migrating old ones!


Using the supplied command line tool malconf you can pass in a single file or a directory with the -r flag and it will attempt to automagically detect the family and extract any config.

You can also use the -o option to write results out to a file.


malconf -l This will list all the supported rats

malconf /path/to/sample This will automagically detect the family and run the decoder

⇒  malconf tests/samples/alienspy 

 __  __       _  ____             __ 
|  \/  | __ _| |/ ___|___  _ __  / _|
| |\/| |/ _` | | |   / _ \| '_ \| |_ 
| |  | | (_| | | |__| (_) | | | |  _|
|_|  |_|\__,_|_|\____\___/|_| |_|_| 

Malware Configuration Parser by @kevthehermit

[+] Loading File: tests/samples/alienspy
  [-] Found: AlienSpy
  [-] Running Decoder
  [-] Config Output

{'ConfigKey': 'fzGUoTaQH3SUW7E82IKQK2J2J2IISIS',
 'NAME': 'ok',
 'Version': 'B',
 'connetion_time': '0',
 'desktop': 'true',
 'dns': '',
 'extensionname': 'qQJ',
 'folder': 'java',
 'instalar': 'true',


If you pip install you can also use it is a library.

from malwareconfig import fileparser
from malwareconfig.modules import __decoders__, __preprocessors__

# Open and parse the file
sample_path = '/path/to/sample.exe'
file_info = fileparser.FileParser(file_path=sample_path)

# Check for a valid decoder and then parse
if file_info.malware_name in __decoders__:
    module = __decoders__[file_info.malware_name]['obj']()
    conf = module.config


Full credit where credit is due.

Malware.lu for the initial xtreme Rat Writeup - https://code.google.com/p/malware-lu/wiki/en_xtreme_RAT

Fireye for their Poison Ivy and Xtreme rat WriteUps (Even though they ignored my tweets :-) ) - http://www.fireeye.com/blog/technical/2014/02/xtremerat-nuisance-or-threat.html

Shawn Denbow and Jesse Herts for their paper here - http://www.matasano.com/research/PEST-CONTROL.pdf Saved me a lot of time