
Sphinx extension for plausible.io

MIT License


Sphinx extension for plausible.io

This extension adds the https://plausible.io script to a Sphinx project by using standard Sphinx javascript insertion tools. It doesn't change the template, and it should work with any template (that uses the standard Sphinx javascript insertion, which seems to be most of them).

This is a relatively new project (but being used), so please verify it does the correct thing in your case and suggest improvements.

Plausible without this extension

Actually, this extension isn't needed, you can directly add a script with the required tags by doing the following. This uses the same insertion mechanism as this extension, and thus should work with any well-designed theme with no modifications:

html_js_files = [
    ('https://plausible.io/js/script.js', {"data-domain": "yourdomain.com", "defer": "defer"}),


Install the Python package: on PyPI it is sphinx-plausible:

pip install sphinx-plausible


Add sphinx_plausible to extensions. Example config:

extensions = [

plausible_domain = "my.domain.org"

If you want Plausible to only be enabled when your site is deployed by Github Actions on the main branch in your own repository (remember to update organization/repo-name):

import os
plausible_enabled = (
    'GITHUB_ACTION' in os.environ
    and os.environ.get('GITHUB_REPOSITORY', '').lower() == 'organization-name/repo-name'
    and os.environ.get('GITHUB_REF') == 'refs/heads/main'

Configuration options:

  • plausible_domain (required): The domain name, like my.domain.org. Can be a list which will be joined by commas.

  • plausible_script (default https://plausible.io/js/script.js): The URL to the script to load. If you want to use embed the script, download the script and put it in html_static_path and add the filename (relative to html_static_path) here instead of a URL.

  • plausible_enabled (default True): Should plausible be active? You might want to disable it on all you test deployments and so on, so you can add some logic to enable/disable as needed.

Status and development

Beta but works as of 2022 - improvements and feature requests are still welcome! I would be happy for a group maintenance home for this.

See also