
A CalDAV/CardDAV server backed by Git

GPL-3.0 License


Xandikos is a lightweight yet complete CardDAV/CalDAV server that backs onto a Git repository.

Xandikos (Ξανδικός or Ξανθικός) takes its name from the name of the March month in the ancient Macedonian calendar, used in Macedon in the first millennium BC.

.. image:: logo.png :alt: Xandikos logo :width: 200px :align: center

Extended documentation can be found on the home page <https://www.xandikos.org/docs/>_.

Implemented standards

The following standards are implemented:

  • :RFC:4918/:RFC:2518 (Core WebDAV) - implemented, except for COPY/MOVE/LOCK operations
  • :RFC:4791 (CalDAV) - fully implemented
  • :RFC:6352 (CardDAV) - fully implemented
  • :RFC:5397 (Current Principal) - fully implemented
  • :RFC:3253 (Versioning Extensions) - partially implemented, only the REPORT method and {DAV:}expand-property property
  • :RFC:3744 (Access Control) - partially implemented
  • :RFC:5995 (POST to create members) - fully implemented
  • :RFC:5689 (Extended MKCOL) - fully implemented
  • :RFC:6578 (Collection Synchronization for WebDAV) - fully implemented

The following standards are not implemented:

  • :RFC:6638 (CalDAV Scheduling Extensions) - not implemented
  • :RFC:7809 (CalDAV Time Zone Extensions) - not implemented
  • :RFC:7529 (WebDAV Quota) - not implemented
  • :RFC:4709 (WebDAV Mount) - intentionally <https://github.com/jelmer/xandikos/issues/48>_ not implemented
  • :RFC:5546 (iCal iTIP) - not implemented
  • :RFC:4324 (iCAL CAP) - not implemented
  • :RFC:7953 (iCal AVAILABILITY) - not implemented

See DAV compliance <notes/dav-compliance.rst>_ for more detail on specification compliancy.


  • No multi-user support
  • No support for CalDAV scheduling extensions

Supported clients

Xandikos has been tested and works with the following CalDAV/CardDAV clients:

  • Vdirsyncer <https://github.com/pimutils/vdirsyncer>_
  • caldavzap <https://www.inf-it.com/open-source/clients/caldavzap/>/carddavmate <https://www.inf-it.com/open-source/clients/carddavmate/>
  • evolution <https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution>_
  • DAVx5 <https://www.davx5.com/>_ (formerly DAVDroid)
  • sogo connector for Icedove/Thunderbird <http://v2.sogo.nu/english/downloads/frontends.html>_
  • aCALdav syncer for Android <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.we.acaldav&hl=en>_
  • pycardsyncer <https://github.com/geier/pycarddav>_
  • akonadi <https://community.kde.org/KDE_PIM/Akonadi>_
  • CalDAV-Sync <https://dmfs.org/caldav/>_
  • CardDAV-Sync <https://dmfs.org/carddav/>_
  • Calendarsync <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.icalparse>_
  • Tasks <https://github.com/tasks/tasks/tree/main/app/src/main/java/org/tasks/caldav>_
  • AgendaV <http://agendav.org/>_
  • CardBook <https://gitlab.com/cardbook/cardbook/>_
  • Apple's iOS
  • homeassistant's CalDAV integration <https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/caldav/>_


At the moment, Xandikos supports Python 3 (see pyproject.toml for specific version) as well as Pypy 3. It also uses Dulwich <https://github.com/dulwich/dulwich>, Jinja2 <http://jinja.pocoo.org/>, icalendar <https://github.com/collective/icalendar>, and defusedxml <https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml>.

E.g. to install those dependencies on Debian:

.. code:: shell

sudo apt install python3-dulwich python3-defusedxml python3-icalendar python3-jinja2

Or to install them using pip:

.. code:: shell

python setup.py develop


A Dockerfile is also provided; see the comments on the top of the file for configuration instructions. The docker image is regularly built and published at ghcr.io/jelmer/xandikos. See examples/docker-compose.yml and the man page <https://www.xandikos.org/manpage.html>_ for more info.


Xandikos can either directly listen on a plain HTTP socket, or it can sit behind a reverse HTTP proxy.


To run a standalone (no authentication) instance of Xandikos, with a pre-created calendar and addressbook (storing data in $HOME/dav):

.. code:: shell

./bin/xandikos --defaults -d $HOME/dav

A server should now be listening on localhost:8080 <http://localhost:8080/>_.

Note that Xandikos does not create any collections unless --defaults is specified. You can also either create collections from your CalDAV/CardDAV client, or by creating git repositories under the contacts or calendars directories it has created.


The easiest way to run Xandikos in production is by running a reverse HTTP proxy like Apache or nginx in front of it. The xandikos script can either listen on the local host on a particular port, or it can listen on a unix domain socket.

For example init system configurations, see examples/.

Client instructions

Some clients can automatically discover the calendars and addressbook URLs from a DAV server (if they support RFC:5397). For such clients you can simply provide the base URL to Xandikos during setup.

Clients that lack such automated discovery require the direct URL to a calendar or addressbook. In this case you should provide the full URL to the calendar or addressbook; if you initialized Xandikos using the --defaults argument mentioned in the previous section, these URLs will look something like this::




Contributions to Xandikos are very welcome. If you run into bugs or have feature requests, please file issues on GitHub <https://github.com/jelmer/xandikos/issues/new>. If you're interested in contributing code or documentation, please read CONTRIBUTING <CONTRIBUTING.md>. Issues that are good for new contributors are tagged new-contributor <https://github.com/jelmer/xandikos/labels/new-contributor>_ on GitHub.


There is a #xandikos IRC channel on the OFTC <https://www.oftc.net/>_ IRC network, and a Xandikos <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/xandikos>_ mailing list.