
Kamal make file to gather most used kamal command lines

MIT License


Kamal Makefile

This project provides a setup for deploying your Ruby on Rails application using Kamal. It includes a Makefile for common commands, a Ruby script for provisioning servers, and a deploy.yml template for Kamal configuration.

Table of Contents


  • SSH access to the server with keys authentication.
  • Ruby installed on your local machine.
  • Kamal gem installed.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/yourproject.git
cd yourproject
  1. Install dependencies:
bundle install
  1. Customize the deploy.yml file located in config/ directory with your server and application details.

Provisioning Servers

Use the provided provision Ruby script to prepare your servers for Kamal deployment.

  1. Ensure your SSH keys are added:
ssh-add ~/path/to/your/ssh/key
  1. Make the provision script executable:
chmod +x provision
  1. Run the provision script:

This script will:

Install essential packages.
Add swap space.
Prepare storage and Let's Encrypt directories.
Install and configure Docker.
Install and run fail2ban.
Configure the firewall.


After provisioning, you can deploy your application using the Makefile commands. Here some examples:

  1. Edit credentials for the desired environment:
make credentials ENV=production
  1. Show Kamal commands menu:
make kamal ENV=production

In order to executre the kamal commands in the menu, the environment files (deploy.environment.yml, env.environment.erb) must exist otherwise commands will fail.

Available Makefile Commands

The Makefile includes several commands to streamline your workflow:

make credentials ENV=your_env - Edit Rails credentials for the specified environment.
make rubocop - Run the Rubocop static code analyzer.
make kamal ENV=your_env - Set up Kamal for the specified environment with options to provision components, setup environment, generate and push env file, build and deploy, manage accessories, trail application logs, and run Rails console.
make kamal ENV=production ACS=your_accessory_name - Manage remote accessories.


This setup aims to simplify the deployment process using Kamal. Customize the provided files as needed and follow the steps to provision your servers and deploy your application effectively.

Feel free to customize the placeholders (like yourusername, yourproject, your_service, your_image_name, your_domain, etc.) with the actual details of your project.