
Amateur football team website.


West End Athletic

Amateur football team website.


  1. Finish off admin sections:
    • The ability to add matches and results
    • The ability to add player stats
    • The ability to add generic news items
  2. Add public facing pages
    • League table
    • Fixtures
    • Statistics and player profiles
    • News feed comprised of
      • Generic news items
      • Results, upcoming matches etc
  3. Facebook integration
    • Basic like functionality
    • Comments for results, player profiles and news items
    • Facebook open graph events for results and goals etc


  1. I am still undecided as of how to specify a certain team as the home team.
    I could add a column to the teams table to indicate whether a team is the
    home team or not. But this would result in a lot of unecessary validation
    to make sure there was only one home team not to mention bad erm design.
    I am going to look into setting the home team in a configuration file. This
    home team can be loaded into the db as seed data. I can then extend the Team
    model with a helper method such as .home_team? to determine home team logic.
  2. The user management is a little off just now. I suppose I can implement two types of
    admin user, one as the super admin and one that has access to everything apart
    from user management. Currently each user has CRUD access to all users.
  3. I realise there is a distinct lack of tests surrounding the current functionality.
    Keeping in mind a certain blogpost
    I do intend to add some tests around the user admin login and keep on top of
    things when I encounter some more complicated functionality.