
Examples programs for nucleo-h743zi board

0BSD License



Example programs for the NUCLEO-H743ZI and NUCLEO-H743ZI2 boards.

This uses the stm32h7xx-hal crate.

Collaboration on this crate is highly welcome as are pull requests!

Project Aim: Facilitate First Steps with Nucleo H743ZI and H743ZI2 Boards and Rust

This repository contains examples and starter material specific to the Nucleo H743ZI and H743ZI2 boards and should work "out of the box" with these specific boards and demonstrates the usage of features on these boards with zero configuration or options.

While there is some redundancy with stm32h7xx-hal, the two projects have different aims. Here, the goal is to provide an easy on-ramp to the usage of these boards without covering all possible features or providing a universally helpful library. For more advanced usage, you are encouraged to take the lessons learned here and directly use the stm32h7xx-hal crate. Of course, as mentioned above, we welcome suggested improvements that fit within the project aim.

To facilitate ease-of-use with both the Nucleo-H743ZI and Nucleo-H743ZI2 boards, the code in this repository should work by default on both boards without modification or configuration.

This project supports knurling-rs, which simplifies developing, testing and debugging on embedded devices.

Differences between the Nucleo H743ZI and H743ZI2 Boards

Feature NUCLEO-H743ZI NUCLEO-H743ZI2 notes
STLINK V2-1, Cuttable PCB V3E, Embedded on PCB see DB3171, Rev 14
Board reference UM1974 User Manual STM32 Nucleo-144 boards (MB1137) UM2407 User Manual STM32H7 Nucleo-144 boards (MB1364)
User LD2 Blue, connected to PB7 Yellow, connected to PE1
Availability Obsolete Available

The code in this repository should work on both boards without modification or configuration.


You will need the following components installed before building the project.

$ rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
$ rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
$ cargo install cargo-binutils

This will install a new target for the Rust compiler supporting Cortex-M7F and a cargo plugin to call binutils directly.

For debugging the program, you can use either probe-rs or a compatible version of gdb for your system.

Building and running

Build and Run Method 1: .bin file

This method builds a .bin file containing the compiled firmware. This file is copied onto the emulated USB mass storage device of the Nucleo and the device is automatically reset and will boot into the new firmware.

Build with:

cargo build --release --bin blinky
# (Substitute any of the example programs for 'blinky')

Convert to a .bin file:

cargo objcopy --release --bin blinky -- -O binary target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/blinky.bin
cargo objcopy --release --bin serial -- -O binary target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/serial.bin

Flash the device:

cp target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/blinky.bin /path/to/NODE_H743ZI/
cp target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/serial.bin /path/to/NODE_H743ZI/

Build and Run Method 2: flash and run the device with probe-run

As an alternative to the above method, we use probe-run from the Knurling project to flash our firmware and run it. Log and println! messages using the defmt crate will be visible when running. This method is automatically chosen when typing cargo run because of the runner specified in the .cargo/config file. See below for the probe-run hardware options. The onboard STLINKv3 hardware is easiest because it is built-in to the NUCLEO-H743ZI2 board.

To see log messages from defmt messages, compile with the DEFMT_LOG environment variable set appropriately. (By default, defmt will show only error level messages.)

Powershell (Windows)


Bash (Linux/macOS)

export DEFMT_LOG=trace

probe-run Hardware option A: onboard STLINKv3

This is the easiest option and works with only a USB cable to your device. If probe-run returns with Error: The firmware on the probe is outdated, you can update the STLINKv3 firmware on your Nucleo using a download from

probe-run Hardware option B: Raspberry Pi Pico as a CMSIS-DAP probe

Debugging can be performed with a Raspberry Pi Pico board running the DapperMime firmware to function as an inexpensive CMSIS-DAP probe. In this configuration, the STLINKv3 hardware built into the Nucleo will be bypassed.

To setup your Nucleo for this, perform the following steps.

  1. Connect the following pins to connect the Pico as a debugger to the SWD pins
    of the stm32h743 chip.
Signal MIPI-10 debug connector (CN5) on NUCLEO-H743ZI2 Raspberry Pi Pico
  1. Hold the STLINKv3 in reset state by setting a jumper on JP1.
  2. Power the Nucleo board by USB charger connected to the STLINK micro USB
    connector CN1 and setting the jumper JP2 to the CHGR position (from the
    default STLINK position).


Debugging method 1: with probe-rs-debug and Visual Studio Code

This method is recommended as it requires no installation of gdb or openocd. Follow the probe-rs guide.

Debugging method 2: with openocd and gdb

Debugging can be performed with openocd and gdb. A sample openocd configuration file is provided.

  1. Uncomment one of the runners specified in the .cargo/config file according to the used operating
    system and desired debugger.
  2. Run openocd in the project root
  3. Run cargo run --bin blinky or cargo run --bin serial

You can also perform debugging with a GUI using VS Code with the Cortex-Debug extension. Some configuration files were provided in the .vscode folder.


0-clause BSD license.