
Rust examples for BluePill stm32f103x board


probe-rs tools

Flash release image using cargo-flash:

$ cargo flash --release --chip STM32F103C8 --bin <binary name>

Flash debug image using cargo-embed:

$  cargo embed --bin <binary name> flash

Run flashed image attaching RTT debug console:

$ cargo embed --bin <binary name>

cargo-make tools

Start tmux debug environment with ST-Link:

$ cargo make debug

Flash release image:

$ cargo make flash_release <binary name>

Flash debug image:

$ cargo make flash_debug <binary name>

Debug options

Semihosting debug


  $ sudo openocd -f tools/openocd.cfg -c 'attach ()'
  $ cargo build --bin test
  $ cargo run --bin test

ITM debug


  $ mkfifo /tmp/itm.fifo
  $ ~/.cargo/bin/itmdump -f /tmp/itm.fifo -F
  $ cargo build --bin test
  $ cargo run --bin test

SWO pin PB3 on BluePill has to be connected to appropriate SWO pin on debugger/programmer. Note that ST-Link does not have SWO pin, while Jlink Pro has.

RTT debug


$ cargo build --bin test
$ cargo embed --bin test flash
$ cargo embed --bin test