
ESP32 remote control for robotica in rust

APACHE-2.0 License


Robotica Remote Rust

Copied and adapted from


  • Pure Rust implementation.


  • Revise error handling. Anything unexpected will panic with limited debug
  • Only one button controller implemented, and is specific to Robotica lights.
  • Button config is hardcoded.
  • Fix dodgy code to get topic from mqtt message. See


  • Use with this board:
  • gpio16: 1st button, pulled high, action low.
  • gpio16: 2nd button, pulled high, action low.
  • 2 ssd1306 compatable displays on i2c, scl gpio4, sda gpio5, addr 0x3C and 0x3D.
  • slider controls not yet used.


graph TD
    Mqtt --> |event| Main
    Main --> |cmd| Mqtt
    Button1((Button1)) --> |event| Main
    Button2((Button2)) --> |event| Main
    Main --> |status| Display((Display))
    Display --> Display1
    Display --> Display2
    button1 --> Button1
    button2 --> Button2
    mqtt --> |event| Mqtt
    Mqtt --> |cmd| mqtt

Main Process

graph TD
    LightController --> |status| Main
    LightController --> |cmd| Main
    Main --> |event| LightController
    SwitchController --> |status| Main
    SwitchController --> |cmd| Main
    Main --> |event| SwitchController


  • Install the Rust Espressif compiler toolchain and the Espressif LLVM Clang toolchain
    • This is necessary, because support for the Xtensa architecture (ESP32 / ESP32-S2 / ESP32-S3) is not upstreamed in LLVM yet
  • Switch to the esp toolchain from the pre-built binaries: rustup default esp
    • (You can also skip this step and switch to the esp toolchain for the demo crate only by executing rustup override set esp inside the rust-esp32-std-demo directory once you have cloned the demo as per below)
    • NOTE For ESP32-C3 - which runs a RiscV32 chip - you can just use the stock nightly Rust compiler, and a recent, stock Clang (as in Clang 11+)
    • (You can do this by issuing rustup install nightly and then rustup default nightly instead of installing/building the Rust & Clang ESP forks and switching to their esp toolchain as advised above)
  • If using the custom Espressif Clang, make sure that you DON'T have a system Clang installed as well, because even if you have the Espressif one first on your $PATH, Bindgen will still pick the system one
    • A workaround that does not require uninstalling the system Clang is to do export LIBCLANG_PATH=<path to the Espressif Clang lib directory> prior to continuing the build process
  • cargo install ldproxy
  • Clone this repo: git clone
  • Enter it: cd rust-esp32-std-demo
  • Export two environment variables that would contain the SSID & password of your wireless network:
    • export WIFI_SSID=<ssid>
    • export WIFI_PASS=<ssid>
    • export MQTT_URL=mqtt://username:[email protected]:1883
  • To configure the demo for your particular board, please uncomment the relevant Rust target for your board and comment the others. Alternatively, just append the --target <target> flag to all cargo build lines below.
  • Build: cargo build or cargo build --release


  • cargo install espflash
  • espflash /dev/ttyUSB0 target/[xtensa-esp32-espidf|xtensa-esp32s2-espidf|riscv32imc-esp-espidf]/debug/rust-esp32-std-demo
  • Replace dev/ttyUSB0 above with the USB port where you've connected the board

NOTE: The above commands do use espflash and NOT cargo espflash, even though both can be installed via Cargo. cargo espflash is essentially espflash but it has some extra superpowers, like the capability to build the project before flashing, or to generate an ESP32 .BIN file from the built .ELF image.

Alternative flashing

  • You can also flash with the utility which is part of the Espressif toolset
  • Use the instructions below only if you have flashed successfully with espflash at least once, or else you might not have a valid bootloader and partition table!
  • The instructions below only (re)flash the application image, as the (one and only) factory image starting from 0x10000 in the partition table!
  • Install esptool using Python: pip install esptool
  • (After each cargo build) Convert the elf image to binary: --chip [esp32|esp32s2|esp32c3] elf2image target/xtensa-esp32-espidf/debug/rust-esp32-std-demo
  • (After each cargo build) Flash the resulting binary: --chip [esp32|esp32s2|esp32c3] -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size 4MB 0x10000 target/xtensa-esp32-espidf/debug/rust-esp32-std-demo.bin


  • Once flashed, the board can be connected with any suitable serial monitor, e.g.:
    • ESPMonitor: espmonitor /dev/ttyUSB0 (you need to cargo install espmonitor first)
    • Cargo PIO (this one decodes stack traces!): cargo pio espidf monitor /dev/ttyUSB0 (you need to cargo install cargo-pio first)
      • Please run it from within the rust-esp32-std-demo project directory, or else the built ELF file will not be detected, and the stack traces will not be decoded!
    • Built-in Linux/MacOS screen: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 (use Ctrl+A and then type :quit to stop it)
    • Miniterm: miniterm --raw /dev/ttyUSB0 115200