
A masochistic approach to revision control.


Suicide Git

The utterly masochistic approach to revision control.

Introducing Suicide Git, (very obviously) inspired by Suicide Linux. Similar to Suicide Linux (SL), Suicide Git (SG) could also be likened to a "game", albeit one that might cost you your job/colleagues. Frankly, I suggest not using it at all. A very simple (bash) installation guide is below, regardless.

In a nutshell, any git command that exits with a non-zero status will trigger The Bomb [Keymaker voice]. This consists of:

  1. Wiping repo history
  2. Wiping repo contents
  3. Deleting all local and remote branches
  4. Creating a new, blank repo in its place
  5. Adding a readme with the git error (the horror!)
  6. Force pushing the new repo to all previous origins


git clone
chmod +x suicide/ && suicide/


The install script copies the SG script to /usr/local/bin/sg and aliases git to it. Best case, it's a transparent wrapper and you won't notice a difference. Anything other than best case (we all have hams for hands sometimes), and you're gonna have a bad time.

$ git           # we get a pass here
$ git status    # fortunately, status is easy!
$ git statsu    # crap!
$ git foo       # foo? more like F@#$!
$ git rebase    # conflicts? ruh roh!


SOP FFPP. Fork, feature, PR, party. Any comments/ideas/suggestions/contributions welcome, especially if they do incredibly confounding things that my git-fu is not currently capable of.


Thanks especially to Suicide Linux and its creator, as well as whatever twisted netherrealm my brain exists in.