
Importing entities with preview and edit features for Symfony.

MIT License



Importing entities with preview and edit features for Symfony.

  • Data can be viewed and edited before saving to database.
  • Supports inserting new records and updating existing ones.
  • Supported extensions: CSV, XLS, XLSX, ODS.
  • Supports translations from KnpLabs Translatable extension.
  • The code is divided into smaller methods that can be easily replaced if you want to change something.
  • Columns names are required and should be added as header (first row).
  • If column does not have name provided, will be removed from loaded data.



Install package via composer:

composer require jgrygierek/batch-entity-import-bundle

Add entry to bundles.php file:

JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\BatchEntityImportBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Configuration class

To define how the import function should work, you need to create a configuration class.

Basic configuration class

In the simplest case it will contain only class of used entity.

namespace App\Model\ImportConfiguration;

use App\Entity\User;
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Model\Configuration\AbstractImportConfiguration;

class UserImportConfiguration extends AbstractImportConfiguration
    public function getEntityClassName(): string
        return User::class;

Then register it as a service:

  App\Model\ImportConfiguration\UserImportConfiguration: ~

Fields definitions

If you want to change types of rendered fields, instead of using default ones, you have to override method in your import configuration. If name of field contains spaces, you should use underscores instead.

To avoid errors during data import, you can add here validation rules.

use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Model\Form\FormFieldDefinition;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\IntegerType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextareaType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length;

public function getFieldsDefinitions(): array
    return [
        'age' => new FormFieldDefinition(
                'attr' => [
                    'min' => 0,
                    'max' => 999,
        'name' => new FormFieldDefinition(TextType::class),
        'description' => new FormFieldDefinition(
                'attr' => [
                    'rows' => 2,
                'constraints' => [new Length(['max' => 255])],

Matrix validation

This bundle provides two new validators.

  1. DatabaseEntityUnique validator can be used to check if record data does not exist yet in database.
  2. MatrixRecordUnique validator can be used to check duplication without checking database, just only matrix records values.

Names of fields should be the same as names of columns in your uploaded file. With one exception! If name contains spaces, you should use underscores instead.

use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Validator\Constraints\DatabaseEntityUnique;
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Validator\Constraints\MatrixRecordUnique;

public function getMatrixConstraints(): array
    return [
        new MatrixRecordUnique(['fields' => ['field_name']]),
        new DatabaseEntityUnique(['entityClassName' => $this->getEntityClassName(), 'fields' => ['field_name']]),

Passing services to configuration class

If you want to pass some additional services to your configuration, just override constructor.

public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em, TestService $service)

    $this->testService = $service;

Show & hide entity override column

If you want to hide/show an entity column that allows you to override entity default: true, you have to override this method in your import configuration

public function allowOverrideEntity(): bool
    return true;

Optimizing queries

If you use KnpLabs Translatable extension for your entity, probably you will notice increased number of queries, because of Lazy Loading.

To optimize this, you can use getEntityTranslationRelationName() method to pass the relation name to the translation.

public function getEntityTranslationRelationName(): ?string
    return 'translations';

Creating controller

Create controller with some required code.

This is just an example, depending on your needs you can inject services in different ways.

To enable automatic passing configuration service to your controller, please use ImportConfigurationAutoInjectInterface and ImportConfigurationAutoInjectTrait.

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Model\ImportConfiguration\UserImportConfiguration;
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Controller\ImportConfigurationAutoInjectInterface;
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Controller\ImportConfigurationAutoInjectTrait;
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Controller\ImportControllerTrait;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;

class ImportController extends AbstractController implements ImportConfigurationAutoInjectInterface
    use ImportControllerTrait;
    use ImportConfigurationAutoInjectTrait;

     * @Route("/user/import", name="user_import")
    public function import(Request $request, ValidatorInterface $validator): Response
        return $this->doImport($request, $validator);

     * @Route("/user/import/save", name="user_import_save")
    public function importSave(Request $request, TranslatorInterface $translator): Response
        return $this->doImportSave($request, $translator);

    protected function redirectToImport(): RedirectResponse
       return $this->redirectToRoute('user_import');

    protected function getMatrixSaveActionUrl(): string
       return $this->generateUrl('user_import_save');

    protected function getImportConfigurationClassName(): string
       return UserImportConfiguration::class;


This bundle supports KnpLabs Translatable behavior.

To use this feature, every column with translatable values should be suffixed with locale, for example:

  • name:en
  • description:pl
  • title:ru

If suffix will be added to non-translatable entity, field will be skipped.

If suffix will be added to translatable entity, but field will not be found in translation class, field will be skipped.

Overriding templates

Global templates

You have two ways to override templates globally:

  • Configuration - just change paths to templates in your configuration file.
    Values in this example are default ones and will be used if nothing will be change.
        select_file: '@BatchEntityImport/select_file.html.twig'
        edit_matrix: '@BatchEntityImport/edit_matrix.html.twig'
        layout: '@BatchEntityImport/layout.html.twig'
  • Bundle directory - put your templates in this directory:

Controller-specific templates

If you have controller-specific templates, you can override them in controller:

protected function getSelectFileTemplateName(): string
    return 'your/path/to/select_file.html.twig';

protected function getMatrixEditTemplateName(): string
    return 'your/path/to/edit_matrix.html.twig';

Main layout

Block name used in templates is batch_entity_import_content, so probably there will be need to override it a bit. You can create a new file with content similar to the given example. Then just use it instead of original layout file.

{% extends path/to/your/layout.html.twig %}

{% block your_real_block_name %}
    {% block batch_entity_import_content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

Then you just have to override it in bundle directory, or change a path to layout in your configuration.

Additional data

If you want to add some specific data to the rendered view, just override these methods in your controller:

protected function prepareSelectFileView(FormInterface $form): Response
    return $this->prepareView(
            'form' => $form->createView(),

protected function prepareMatrixEditView(FormInterface $form, Matrix $matrix, bool $manualSubmit = false): Response
    if ($manualSubmit) {
        $this->manualSubmitMatrixForm($form, $matrix);

    $configuration = $this->getImportConfiguration();

    return $this->prepareView(
            'header_info' => $matrix->getHeaderInfo($configuration->getEntityClassName()),
            'data' => $matrix->getRecords(),
            'form' => $form->createView(),
            'importConfiguration' => $configuration,

Importing data to array field

If your entity has an array field, and you want to import data from CSV file to it, this is how you can do it.

  • Default separator is set to |.
  • Only one-dimensional arrays are allowed.
  • Keys are not allowed.
  • IMPORTANT! There are limitations:
    • There is no possibility to import array with one empty element, for example:
      • ['']
      • [null]
    • But arrays with at least 2 such elements are allowed:
      • ['', '']
      • [null, null]
      • ['', null]
    • It is due of mapping CSV data to array:
      • Empty value in CSV is equal to []
      • If we have default separator, | value in CSV is equal to ['', '']


  • Allowed entity field types:
    • json
    • array
    • simple_array
namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

class User
    #[ORM\Column(type: 'json']
    private array $roles = [];

Import configuration

  • You have to add a field definition with a custom ArrayTextType type. If you skip this configuration, TextType will be used as default.
  • You can set here your own separator.
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Form\Type\ArrayTextType;
use JG\BatchEntityImportBundle\Model\Form\FormFieldDefinition;

public function getFieldsDefinitions(): array
    return [
        'roles' => new FormFieldDefinition(
                'separator' => '&',

CSV file


Full example of CSV file

user_1,21,[email protected],USER&ADMIN&SUPER_ADMIN,Poland,Polska
user_2,34,[email protected],USER,England,Anglia
user_3,56,[email protected],SUPER_ADMIN,Germany,Niemcy