
Source files used by the ADDday application, a companion app for people with AD(H)D



ADDday • Ad(h)d your day is a project of digital companion for people with attention deficit with or without hyperactivity disorder.

The project aims to create a companion app that people with AD(H)D could use every day to help them with their attention deficit.

This projects aims to provide:

  • A pill reminder, to keep track of the current medication This pill reminder should keep track of medication observance and also offer a series of notifications either at a specific time indicated by the user or based on a specific timeframe to keep between two pills.

  • A daily check-in system asking the user for

    • their average mood today
    • their average level of energy today
    • their sleep quality during the last night
    • their food intake so far
    • their anxiety levels
    • any issues they experienced with medication or life

How to work with this project

  • Before working with our application, it might be preferable to install the Expo CLI globally on your system using:

    $ yarn global add expo-cli
  • First, you need to install the dependencies

    $ yarn
  • You can start the Expo platform to build the project using the following command. Once started, please follow the instruction available in the interactive CLI.

    $ yarn start
  • Directly run the project in an iOS or Android simulator without using the interactive CLI

    $ yarn ios # to run the project directly in the iOS simulator
    $ yarn android # to run the project directly in the Android simulator
    $ yarn web # to run the Web version in a browser
  • You can run the ESLint and Prettier tools in this project by running

    $ yarn lint # to run ESLint and Prettier
    $ yarn lint --fix # to run ESLint and Prettier, and to fix automatically some issues

Please note that during the first run using the iOS and Android simulators, the Expo CLI will help you installing the required tools by providing you all the needed commands to run in your local environment.

In order to run any Android simulation, you will need to download and install Android Studio 3.

Required environment variable

  • SENTRY_APP_DSN: DSN to use for the current instance of the application
  • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN: Auth token to use with the Sentry API
  • SENTRY_DEBUG: Indicates the debug parameter for the Sentry API

Tech stack

Folder structure

./app.json          Expo development tools configuration

./app               Folder containing assets and code used by this app
  ├ ./assets        Font files, icons and images
  ├ ./components    UI components reusable across views
  ├ ./config        Configuration files needed to run the app
  ├ ./data          Actions and reducers
  ├ ./i18n          Internationalization files, helpers and scripts
  ├ ./modules       Pieces of code not involved in the visual rendering
  │                 (without TSX)
  ├ ./services      Functions wrapping all API calls
  ├ ./views         Components defining our app screens
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