
Trivia Game app for web and mobile built with TypeScript, React, React Native, Redux, and Saga


Trivia Game

By Matias Benedetto [email protected]

Trivia Game app for web and mobile built with TypeScript, React, React Native, Redux, Sagas and Expo.

You can use the web version here:

More details on my blog:

Screenshots of the native app running on android: native screenshots

Screenshot of the web app running on firefox: web screenshot


The organization of the codebase was planned to have a large portion of the code shared between the web and native apps to avoid code repetition and make app development more efficient, maintainable and sustainable.

Shared code

The shared code that lives in /main/src contains all the logic, API data fetching, connected components and state management tasks and is re-utilized across both apps. All the common dependency packages for both platforms as react are listed in the /main/package.json file.

Platform-specific code

The code that lives in /main/apps/web and /main/apps/native is unique for each kind of platform. This code is related to the navigation and presentational parts of the apps that should be managed differently for each platform.

The specific package dependencies for web (as react-router react-dom, node-sass) are listed on /main/apps/web/package.json. The specific package dependencies for native apps (as expo, react-native and react-navigation) are listed on /main/apps/web/package.json. To access de common dependencies npm will look upper in the directory hierarchy.

For both Web and Native the project relays on npm link to link the dependency of the main module. npm link creates a symlink between the main module and the platform module's node_modules folder, so the developer can work with all the tooling working as Hot-Reloading and IntelliSense. Even though for react-native npm link is not enough because the Metro bundler is not able to follow symlinks so I've should add a specific config for the bundler that lives in main/apps/native/metro.config.js.

Main App (shared)

  • Path: /main/src
  • Tech stack: TypeScript, Redux, React-Redux, Redux-Saga, Jest, Axios.
  • buid: npm run build
  • watch: npm run watch
  • test: npm run test

Web App

  • Based on: create-react-app
  • Path: /main/apps/web
  • Tech stack: React, React DOM, React-Router, Node-Sass.
  • start: npm run start

Mobile App

  • Based on: Expo CLI
  • Path: /main/apps/native
  • Tech stack: React, React Native, React-Navigation.
  • start: npm run start


  • Add more tests
  • Add more css styles
  • Add more emojis :)

Developed and tested with

  • Node 12.13.1
  • NPM 6.13.7
  • Native app tested on Android 9