
Version on the app to run on laptop/computer screen



This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.0.

What is this?

This app receives mobile phone sensor data from a websocket server.

How to use?

Use the other app to send data from your phone here.

I want it!

Accessible at

I want it locally

You need the server

Download and run the nodejs websocket server:

git clone [email protected]:mandarini/wsserver.git
cd wsserver
node app.js

You need the web app for mobile

git clone [email protected]:mandarini/m.git

You need to connect the web app for mobile to the server

In the m/ app folder, you have to change the server address on websocket.service.ts to be the one of your local server, the one you started on the previous step.

  1. you need the IP of your machine on your local network. Run ifconfig or ipconfig (according to your OS) and copy your inet address.

  2. go to line 16 in the websocket.service.ts file and change this.socket = io('wss://'); to this.socket = io('http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5000') where xx.xx.xx.xx your local address and 5000 the port that our server is listening to (see the app.js file in the wsserver project)

You need to run the web app for mobile (duh)!

In the m/ app directory run the following command:

ng serve --host --port 4201

It is important to specify the host with the --host flag, because this will expose your application to other machines in the same network, and you will be able to access it via your mobile phone (which is what you need to do basically), once it is connected to the same network as your computer!

Here we are also specifying a port, because we will be also running the laptop application later, and it will take up port 4200 by default.

You need to navigate to your app on your mobile phone

Open a browser on your mobile phone (preferably chrome of firefox for more sensors) and navigate to your locally IP address (the one we found before, running ifconfig), on port 4200.

You need, now, the web app for the laptop/desktop browser (this one!)

  1. Navigate to the app folder
cd im/
  1. Connect it to the local websocket server, like we did with the mobile web app. Go to line 16 in the im/ folder in the websocket.service.ts file and change this.socket = io('wss://'); to this.socket = io('http://xx.xx.xx.xx:5000') where xx.xx.xx.xx your local address and 5000 the port that our server is listening to (see the app.js file in the wsserver project).

  2. Run the app

ng serve
  1. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200


You made it!