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Channel Client Examples

Code Walkthrough

  • Make a public API for the ChannelService (currently internal). See Editor/ChannelServiceAPI.cs
    • Currently in trunk all ChannelService API are internals.
  • Make an example implementing 2 new routes, one binary and the other using string. See See Editor/ChannelServiceExample.cs
    • This adds a new menu item: Tools/Register Custom Ping Pong Channels that can be use to restart the server and register all listeners.
  • ChannelClientNodeApp~ contains a node application that will connect to Unity on the specified routes and send a bit of data.

How to connect?

  • By default, if you use this package the ChannelService will be started (basically the Websocket server will be listening for connection) automatically and some handlers will be registered each domain reload.
  • The connection address in is : Connecting port is dynamic (!). This should be streamlined...
  • To bypass the fact that the port is dynamic, the StartChannelService function of ChannelServiceAPI creates a file <UserAppData>/Local/Unity/Editor/ and writes the address and port in that file.

The Demo

  1. Start Unity
  2. Ensure you add the com.unity.channelservice package.
  1. See that the console prints these messages:
  1. Install nodejs

  2. Open a command console and be sure to cd to the ChannelClientNodeApp~. Type node index.js.

  3. You should see the following:

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