Mahmudul Alam

Python || Javascript || Learner || Open Source Enthusiast



Django poll app is a full featured polling app. You have to register in this app to show the polls and to vote. If you already voted you can not vote again. Only the owner of a poll can add poll , edit poll, update poll, delete poll , add choice, update choice, delete choice and end a poll. If a poll is ended it can not be voted. Ended poll only shows user the final result of the poll. There is a search option for polls. Also user can filter polls by name, publish date, and by number of voted. Pagination will work even after applying filter.

Python - Released: 19 Jan 2019 - 302


Personal Portfolio Web Application using React & Material UI

JavaScript - Released: 29 Jun 2020 - 168


Easy to adapt and deploy React portfolio inspired with solutions found at GitHub.

TypeScript - Released: 08 Aug 2023 - 21


DevConnector is a Social Network For Developers. In this Project I have used Django and Django-Rest-Framework for Backend and React For Frontend.

JavaScript - Released: 22 Mar 2020 - 44


Effortlessly enhance Next.js apps with next-progress-bar – an npm package for smooth page transition progress. Customizable, lightweight, and visually appealing, it adds a top loader and progress bar. Elevate user experience seamlessly.

TypeScript - Released: 16 Nov 2023 - 2


React Recipe Finder Project Using Food 2 Fork API and React hooks

JavaScript - Released: 30 Oct 2019 - 21


Heartcare is a diagonostic management project developed in django. Admin can add doctor, add services, add gallery pictures . User can see doctors profile and also they can make appointment. They can also contact to the heartcare through email.

CSS - Released: 07 May 2019 - 26


Next JS drag and drop formbuilder

TypeScript - Released: 22 Oct 2023 - 7


Django blog is a beginner friendly blog application. This project illustrate Django Class Based views, How to use django models with custom model manager, how to use custom template tags, django Forms and model form, how to send mail with django, how to add rss syndication, and generate sitemap and unit test for model, view, form and template tags.

Python - Released: 13 May 2020 - 22


Social login(Facebook, Google) demonstration in Django Rest Framework & React JS

Python - Released: 03 Apr 2022 - 9


Cloud Contact App Where User can register, login and then keep their contacts in the cloud. In this project i have use Node Js, Express, Mongodb for Serving api and React With Redux for Frontend.

JavaScript - Released: 15 Nov 2019 - 8


React Native app build with react-native-cli. It's a simple app which uses themoviedb api to show the movie data. Anyone who are beginner to React Native this project will help them to understand React Native.

JavaScript - Released: 05 Sep 2021 - 1


Bluetooth low energy react native app that can connect with BLE Peripheral and can Read Services, Characteristics and Descriptors. It can also monitor sensor data. In this project i have used react-native-ble-plx library for working with bluetooth.

JavaScript - Released: 25 Aug 2021 - 0


Simple Public Chat App without registration in node js, express, mongodb and and jquery

HTML - Released: 01 Jan 2020 - 0


Next.js redux boilerplate using redux, react-redux, redux-thunk, next-redux-wrapper and redux-devtools-extension

JavaScript - Released: 22 Jun 2020 - 2


Food bank is a food review posting site developed in Django. Where user can Register, Login Then add review. User can like review, Update their own profile, Edit their posted review also can delete them. There is a comment system implement for each review.

JavaScript - Released: 11 Mar 2019 - 10


Simple video idea sharing project in Node JS, Express and Mongodb

HTML - Released: 09 Dec 2019 - 0


Simple portfolio app with blog feature

JavaScript - Released: 28 Dec 2018 - 9


A cryptocurrency django project is a project that uses cryptocompare api and display latest news about crypto currency and shows the currency data.

Python - Released: 24 Jan 2019 - 3


Django Board App with full authentication system motivated by Vitor Freitas(simple is better than complex). In this project i tried to implement all this feature in my own way.

HTML - Released: 09 Apr 2019 - 7


A django rest framework project to demonstrate custom user model implementation with login, register, status update and some custom permissions

Python - Released: 17 Mar 2020 - 4


A simple React-Redux CRUD app for managing Contacts

JavaScript - Released: 07 Oct 2019 - 5


Personal django portfolio project with Chuck Norris Joke Api.

Python - Released: 23 Jan 2019 - 1


A Simple Demo of django rest frameworks Viewsets, Token, Authentication, Routers and Serializers, with One to One, One to Many and Many To Many Schema.

Python - Released: 21 Feb 2020 - 2


Tech Shop app is a React Product Selling Application With Shopping Cart. See the live demo for more information.

JavaScript - Released: 28 Nov 2019 - 6