
A plugin that enables a subset of entity relationship features for bevy

APACHE-2.0 License



A plugin that adds a subset of Entity Relationship features to Bevy.

Currently supported:

  • ZST edge types only (simply means edges can't hold data)
  • Fragmenting on edge types
  • Cleanup policies
  • Declarative APIs for:
    • Joining
    • Traversing
    • Spawning

API tour:

Non exhaustive. Covers most common parts. It's modeling RPG mechanics resembling tears of the kingdom (please nintendo leave me alone I beg).

use bevy::prelude::*;
use aery::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Component)]
struct Pos(Vec3);

struct Character;

struct Weapon {
    uses: u32,
    strength: u32,

struct Stick;

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum Climate {

struct ClimateMap {
    // ..

impl ClimateMap {
    fn climate_at(&self, pos: Pos) -> Climate {

enum Food {
    Raw { freshness: f32 },

impl Food {
    fn tick(&mut self, climate: Climate) {
        let Food::Raw { freshness } = self else { return };

        if *freshness < 0. {
            *self = Food::Spoiled;

        match climate {
            Climate::Neutral => *freshness -= 1.,       // spoils over time
            Climate::Cold => *freshness -= 0.1,         // spoils slowly
            Climate::Freezing => *freshness -= 0.01,    // spoils very slowly
            Climate::Hot => *freshness -= 5.,           // spoils quickly
            Climate::Blazing => *self = Food::Cooked,   // Cooks food (should add a timer)

struct Apple;
struct Inventory;

fn setup(mut cmds: Commands) {
    // Spawn character with some starting items.
    cmds.spawn((Character, Pos(Vec3::default())))
        .scope::<Inventory>(|invt| {
            // Give them a starting weapon & 3 food items
            invt.add((Weapon { uses: 32, strength: 4 }, Stick))
                .add((Food::Raw { freshness: 128. }, Apple))
                .add((Food::Raw { freshness: 128. }, Apple))
                .add((Food::Raw { freshness: 128. }, Apple));

    // Alternatively construct relatiosn manually.
    // This might be more appropriate for changing an inventory or making more complex graphs.
    let char = cmds.spawn((Character, Pos(Vec3::default()))).id();
    cmds.spawn((Weapon { uses: 32, strength: 4, }, Stick)).set::<Inventory>(char);
    cmds.spawn((Food::Raw { freshness: 128. }, Apple)).set::<Inventory>(char);
    cmds.spawn((Food::Raw { freshness: 128. }, Apple)).set::<Inventory>(char);
    cmds.spawn((Food::Raw { freshness: 128. }, Apple)).set::<Inventory>(char);
fn tick_food(
    mut characters: Query<((&Character, &Pos), Relations<Inventory>)>,
    mut inventory_food: Query<&mut Food, Without<Pos>>,
    mut food: Query<(&mut Food, &Pos)>,
    climate_map: Res<ClimateMap>,
) {
    // Tick foods that are just in the world somewhere
    for (mut food, pos) in food.iter_mut() {

    // Tick foods that are in a character's inventory based on the character's position
    for ((_, pos), edges) in characters.iter() {
        let climate = climate_map.climate_at(*pos);
        edges.join::<Inventory>(&mut inventory_food).for_each(|mut food| {
fn drop_item_from_inventory(
    trigger: Trigger<UnsetEvent<Inventory>>,
    mut commands: Commands,
    characters: Query<&Pos, With<Character>>,
    food: Query<Entity, With<Food>>,
) {
    // Set an items position to the position of the character that last had the item
    // in their inventory when they drop it.
    let Ok(pos) = characters.get(trigger.event().target) else { return };
// This relation has a custom property. Properties can be overriden by supplying arguments to
// the attribute macro. See the `Relation` trait & `CleanupPolicy` enum for more details.
// - Symmetric: Makes relations symmetric. Setting A -R-> B also sets B -R-> A.
// - Poly: Allows holding multiple relations of that type to different entities.
// There are also cleanup properties. Only one of these can be supplied to the attribute macro.
// - Counted: Edge counted cleanup (eg. despawn a parent if all its children are despawned)
// - Recursive: Recursively cleans up (eg. despawn all children of a parent with the parent)
// - Total: Does both counted & recursive cleanup
#[aery(Symmetric, Poly)]
struct FuseJoint;

struct Fan {
    orientation: Quat

struct Powered;

fn tick_devices(
    mut devices: Query<((Entity, &mut Pos), Relations<FuseJoint>)>,
    mut fans: Query<(Entity, &Fan, &mut Pos), With<Powered>>,
) {
    for (entity, fan, pos) in fans.iter_mut() {
        // Move the fan based on its orientation
        pos = todo!();

        // Track visited nodes because this is a symmetric relationship
        let mut updated = vec![entity];

        devices.traverse_mut::<FuseJoint>([entity]).for_each(|(entity, ref mut pos), _| {
            if updated.contains(&entity) {
            } else {
                // Move connected device based on fan direction
                pos = todo!();
    // We just need to register the types for relfection.
    // ..

Version table

Bevy version Aery verison
0.14 0.7
0.13 0.6
0.12 0.5
0.11 0.3 - 0.4
0.10 0.1 - 0.2


  • Sander Mertens:
    Responsible for pioneering Entity Relationships in ECS and the author of Flecs which Aery has taken
    a lot of inspiration from.