
「如何發送一次性通知?帶你了解 Messenger One-Time Notification」 的文章範例。


「如何發送一次性通知?帶你了解 Messenger One-Time Notification」 的文章範例。


The bottender.config.js File

Bottender configuration file. You can use this file to provide settings for the session store and channels.

The .env File

Bottender utilizes the dotenv package to load your environment variables when developing your app.

To make the bot work, you must put required environment variables into your .env file.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the app in development mode. The bot will automatically reload if you make changes to the code. By default, server runs on http://localhost:5000 and ngrok runs on http://localhost:4040.

To run in Console Mode, provide the --console option:

npm run dev -- --console
yarn dev --console

npm start

Runs the app in production mode. By default, server runs on http://localhost:5000.

To run in Console Mode, provide the --console option:

npm start -- --console
yarn start --console

npm run lint

Runs the linter rules using Eslint.

npm test

Runs the test cases using Jest.

Learn More

To learn Bottender, check out the Bottender documentation.

For more examples, see Bottender examples.