
A generic GLSL post-processing module for applying super-speedy GPU effects to img/video/canvas elements.

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post-process deprecated

Deprecated: you may find this useful as a reference, but it's otherwise more worthwhile writing your own implementation :)

A generic GLSL post-processing module for applying super-speedy GPU effects to any <img>, <canvas> or <video> element. If you're already working with a 3D scene you're better off using an FBO, but this is useful for cases where you've already got a 2D canvas/video thing and just want to add some niceties.


post = pp(gl, element, frag[, vert])

Takes the following and returns a new post-processing object:

  • gl is a WebGL canvas context.
  • element is a canvas element, video or image.
  • frag is a fragment shader, which may either be specified as a string or
    as a gl-shader.
  • vert is a vertex shader, and optional - you'll only need to specify this
    in special cases.

Your shader is supplied the following uniforms:

  • float width: the width of the element in pixels.
  • float height: the height of the element in pixels.
  • sampler2D map: the element you specified as a texture.

post.render([width, height])

Renders element to gl, using the shader specified above. You can optionally pass a width and height value to override the defaults, which are the dimensions of element.