
Dotfiles when I'm distro hopping.


Personal dotfiles to keep the important configurations whenever I change the OS. Currently, using MacOs devices, therefore the main branch contains the configurations for such devices.

Note that the other branches may not be as maintained nor up to date as the main branch.

Set up

You can run the ./setup.sh script which will initialise the OS by adding the moving the packages. It uses stow, therefore make sure it is installed. It requires other packages, such as git, nvim and curl. In case one of the dependencies it is not found, the execution will stop. It installs nvm as a node and npm version manager, but it can easily be removed by removing the $HOME/.nvm folder.

As soon as possible, the script will be migrated to a lua script in order to provide a more customizable installation.

fish && kitty

As well as installing fish, the ./setup.sh script will also install the fisher plugin manager. With it, I recommend installing the following plugins:

  • plugin-kubectl: adds simliar aliases as the kubectl plugin for zsh.

Completions can be installed from most executables (gh, cargo, volta...) and should be stored in ~/.config/fish/completions/<exec-name>.fish. Docker does not provide a completion(s) command. Use the following command to run:

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/cli/master/contrib/completion/fish/docker.fish \
  > .config/fish/completions/docker.fish


Using starship, I have a shared prompt configuration. Since it is exclusively for the prompt, it does not include any sort of plugin configuration.

Configuration can be found in ./starship/.config/starship.toml.


The Neovim configuration is built upon NvChad. It adds a couple of plugins to deal with formating and the required configurations for the LSP server.

You can find and modify LSP configurations in the NvChad custom config folder.

Currently, the LSP is set up for:

  • Bash (it has a very simple completion).
  • Docker
  • Go
  • Rust
  • JavaScript, Typescript and TailwindCSS
  • Yaml (including k8s), JSON

It includes diagnostics as well as formatting for each LSP. All required LSP are installed through the Mason plugin, meaning they will all be installed on launching MasonInstallAll. Same for TreeSitter language highlights, which has defined the required languages.

You can modify the formatting options in the formatter.lua.

Currently using a minimally modified NvChad set up. The goal is to add the plugins required in order to make it fully functional both for front and back end development.