
Telegram-Bot Is a friendly currency exchanger bot, built to show the rate ofall other currency in comaprison to USD. It shows the rate of exchange for each currency. It is a friendly bot and easy to interact with. It includes some helpful commands to help uses interact or communicate with the bot.

MIT License




About  |   Screenshot  |   Built with  |   Screenshot   |   Set-up  |   Installation  |   Dependencies   |   Testing  |   Author  |  


Telegram-Bot Is a friendly currency exchanger bot, built to show the rate ofall other currency in comaprison to USD. It shows the rate of exchange for each currency. It is a friendly bot and easy to interact with. It includes some helpful commands to help uses interact or communicate with the bot.

🔧 Built with

  • Ruby

🔴 Live Link



🔨 Setup

  • Clone the project from github using
  • git clone
  • Change working directory into the project directory
  • cd Telegram-Bot
  • Run the project
  • bin/main.rb
  • Creat a telegram account if you dont have one
  • Search @Haroons_bot with the name [currencyExchanger_bot]
  • Click Start

🔨 Features

  1. Input : /start => This command starts the bot
  2. Input : /commands =>Provide list of all valid commands
  3. Input : /explore =>Provide list of all available currency---Note It's a lot of data
  4. Input : usd-eur(example) => responds with the usd/eur exchange rate, you can use any currency of your choice
  5. Input : /formula => Provide the calculation involve in the exchange rate
  6. Input : /stop => responds : with a Good bye message to user


  • Install all necessary gem, run
    $ bundle
  • Install Rspec (If not installed)
    gem install Rspec
  • Change working directory into the project
    rspec --init


  • Token
  • Json
  • dotenv

Run Test

  • Rspec ✔️
  • $ rspec

✒️ Author

👤 Haroon Abdulrazaq

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the fork this repo and create pull request if you want to make changes.

MIT Licence ®️

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Haroon Abdulrazaq

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so.

👍 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

👍 Acknowledgements

  • Microverse for providing the zeal and motivation to build this project
  • TheOdinProject for the specification used in building this project
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