
In this project, I built a telegram bot that tells you the COVID-19 statistics, today's word of brevity, and today's quote.




telegram-bot is a chatbot built on top of Telegram messenger, this means you access it via Telegram messenger. It is able to help you with the following:

  • Giving you statistics of COVID-19 (Corona virus)
  • Giving you word of bravity
  • Telling you programming quote
  • Telling the current time
  • Telling you the current date

Built with


The following screenshots, show you the command and it's response (Command : header, response:screenshot)

/start /help quote
word covid/usa date


  • Go in your telegram account, and search @neza_connect_bot and hit START button or simply access it via this link nezaBot


To be able to use this bot follow the following steps


To be able to setup and run this project locally, you should have the following

  1. Ruby installed on your computer
  2. Telegram account
  3. Computer ready to run terminal, or bash


  1. Run this command git clone && cd telegram-bot to clone and go in this repo

  2. Create a file and name it .env in root directory of this project

  3. Copy all of the fields which are in .env.example file from the root directory => in next steps I will show you how you are going to get the values of those fields

  4. Click here or go to your telegram and search for @BotFather and send him this message: /newbot and follow instruction untill you get your bot api token which appears to look like this: 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11

  5. Copy it and paste it on the first field in your .env file, (that field is TELEGRAM_BOT_API_TOKEN=)

  6. Go to RapidApi, Signup or signin, and get your COVID_API_HOST, COVID_API_KEY and COVID_API_URL from there. When you see the window which looks like the following on the screenshot, scroll down on the rightmost window, and copy the values of request["x-rapidapi-host"]: paste this value on COVID_API_HOST in your .env file, and copy the value of request["x-rapidapi-key"] and paste it on COVID_API_KEY in your .env file, lastly for the COVID_API_URL use

  7. For the remaining fields use the following values:

    i.  WORD_OF_DAY_API=

  1. Run bundle install => To install all gems

Start it

  1. Run bin/main.rb => To start your telegram-bot. At this point you should see in your terminal a window which looks like the following on the screenshot:
  2. Now your bot is live and is able to follow the commands you give it, go in your telegram messenger, and look for your bot, => the bot name you provided to the botfather on step 4.
  3. Once you found it, click on it and hit START button, and start chatting with it, in last step, I will show you the list of commands the bot can understand so far

12. List of messages (commands) currently this bot will respond to are:

  1. message : /start   =>  response : Greeting and introduction
  2. message : /help    =>  response : List of all available messages (commands)
  3. message : word     =>  response : Word of bravity of the day
  4. message : quote    =>  response : Today programming quote
  5. message : time     =>  response : To get current time
  6. message : date     =>  response : To get current date
  7. message : covid/<name_of_country   =>  response : To read covid-19 statistics of any country
  ===>remember to replace <name_of_country> with the country name you want to read its statistics,
  example: covid/usa

Running tests locally

If all of the installations went well in the previous step, then you will be able to run tests

  1. Initialize RSpec by running rspec --init
  2. Run rspec => If you get some failures under LookUp #read, make sure that you have a stable internet connectivity

Gems used

1. dotenv
2. json
3. net-http-persistent
4. rspec
5. rubocop
6. telegram-bot-ruby


There are two ways of contributing to this project:

  1. If you see something wrong or not working, please check the issue tracker section, if that problem you met is not in already opened issues then open the issue by clicking on new issue button.

  2. If you have a solution to that, and you are willing to work on it, follow the below steps to contribute:

    1. Fork this repository
    2. Clone it on your local computer by running git clone Replace your username with the username you use on github
    3. Open the cloned repository which appears as a folder on your local computer with your favorite code editor
    4. Create a separate branch off the master branch,
    5. Write your codes which fix the issue you found
    6. Commit and push the branch you created
    7. Raise a pull request, comparing your new created branch with our original master branch here

Author (s)

1. MUGIRASE Emmanuel

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Extracted from project README
Gem Version
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