
The telegram bot which can introduce itself when you say hi to it. This bot will send you inspirational quotes and funny jokes when you press certain commands, and also notify if any wrong key pressed.

MIT License



I am introducing this telegram bot which can introduce himself when you say hi to him. This bot can send you inspirational quotes and funny jokes to you when you press certain commands and also instruct you if you press any wrong key.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.

How To Use

From your command line, first clone the project:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Install the required gem file

$ gem install telegram-bot-ruby
$ bundle install

# Go into the folder telegram_bot
$ cd telegram_bot

# In command prompt, run the following command
$ ruby bin/main.rb

# Go to telegram app Desktop/Mobile

# Search for

Start the chat by saying 'Hi', 'hi', 'Hello', 'hello' or  ''

and enjoy by writing any commands

How To Run the test

From your command line, first clone the project:

# Install the Rspec
$ gem install rspec

# Initialize the Rspec
$ rspec --init

# In command prompt, run the following command to test
$ rspec

Tools and technology used

  • Ruby 2.7.x
  • Telegram (BotFather) BOT API
  • Type-fit Quotes API
  • Rapid Joke API


Dipesh Kumar

Github link:

For the: Github-link

Show your support

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  • Thanks to Microverse and The Odin Project.
  • Thanks to notion website.
  • Thanks to Atipugin github repository.
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