
An interactive Telegram Chatbot built from scratch using TELEGRAM BOT API. It displays jokes and motivational jokes, depending on the command. Built with Ruby



A telegram bot that can be initialized on the command line It responds to commands - /hello, /quote, /joke, /hi, /help, or /bye.


This is a capstone/assessment project for the ruby module microverse curriculum .


  • The bot has two main features
  • It gives you the random jokes based on the name given to it.
  • It diplays motivational quotes.

Commands To Use


Built With

  • Ruby
  • Telegram Bot API
  • Type fit Quotes API
  • Chuck Norris Jokes API
  • Type Fit Quotes API


  • A computer
  • Ruby. Installing Ruby
  • Telegram account
  • A telegram Chat bot API

Getting Started

  • Get a local copy of this repo Open a terminal and run:git clone [email protected]:OlawaleJoseph/telebot.git

  • Navigate to your telegram account if you have one. Or create new telegram account.

  • Create a new bot with the help of BotFather

  • Obtain your new bot's token.

  • Create .env file in the root directory.

  • In the .env file create a variable as indicated the .env.example file

  • Open a terminal and run bunle install

  • After successful installation run the command ruby bin/main.rb

  • On your telegram account search for your bot's name

  • Then use the commands above to begin interacting.


  • telegram-bot-ruby
  • dotenv
  • httparty


Install Rspec gem in your system.

Open Command Prompt or Terminal and run: gem install Rspec

Navigate into the project folder and run the following command in the console: rspec


Adedeko Olawale


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

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