
A Ruby developed Telegram bot to get the weather forecast based on the GPS location or searching for a location in Open Weather Map

MIT License


Telegram Bot

This is the capstone project for the Ruby module in Microverse 2.0 program

Built With

  • Ruby


  • Get weather forecast given the user's GPS location
  • Get weather forecast for any given city within OpenWeather's API (>200.000 cities)
  • Search function to retrieve up to 10 cities matching the search criteria. (if more than 20 results are given, user will be asked to narrow the search criteria)
  • Echo function to test if the bot is active
  • Log file to save user, location required and time

Getting Started


  • Telegram application installed in your cellphone or in your computer
  • Available internet connection
  • Join Weather Bot channel or
  • create a new bot sending a message to @BotFather and follow further instructions to create the bot and get the token
  • Get an API key from OpenWeatherMap to access their forecasts Instructions here

Note to TSEs: both Telegram and OW API key will be provided in Code Request

  • Permission for accessing GPS from within the app
  • Follow instructions


  • For TSEs: please fill in Telegram Token and API key in tokens.rb class
  • Clone the repository
  • Get into the repository's root folder
  • Run bundle install to install the needed gems
  • Execute the ./bin/main.rb file to start the bot (the tokens needed will be given in private)


  • Once the bot has been started, you may test it via the Telegram Bot's Channel.

Available commands

  • /start to start the bot
  • /stop to stop the bot
  • /echo to test if the bot is active
  • /weather to let the bot know the user will require a forecast
  • /mylocation to let the bot know the user will require a forecast based on GPS current location

(All commands are clickable from within the Telegram app)

Video with a presentation on how the bot works

Link to the video


Miguel Gomez

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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